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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2022-03-17 19:40:33  


摘 要

近些年交通行业迅猛发展,汽车数量猛增,准确高效的智能化交通运输管理系统越来越重要。而在智能交通监管系统中,车辆牌照的实时识别是重要的组成部分,基于神经网络的车牌识别更是其中一种高效准确的系统。车牌识别系统是对车牌图像进行分析与处理,定位汽车牌照所在区域,进而完成对汽车牌照的识别的一种系统,其主要分为以下几个模块: 图像预处理,车牌定位,字符分割及字符识别。本系统主要创新之处在于:



关键词:车牌识别 识别仿真 神经网络 字符识别

The Vehicle License Plate Recognition System Based On Neural Network


In recent years, the transportation industry developed rapidly, accurate and efficient intelligent transportation management system is important. In the intelligent traffic monitoring system, the vehicle license plate recognition is an important part, the recognition system based on neural network is one of the most efficient and accurate system. License plate recognition system is mainly divided into the following modules: image pretreatment, license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition. The main innovation of this system lies in:

Edge detection operator and the binary method selection: the disposed license plate image of this system may be affected by the interference factors, but not severely, so the system chose the noise suppression strong Sobel operator for edge detection. Due to oust algorithm global thresholding algorithm is efficient and fast, so the system used oust algorithm to choose binaryzation thresholding. So the thresholding image of license plate character is normal, and the result matched the standard template closely.

Several groups of training data for training the neural network algorithm: the common identification method is template matching algorithm or neural network recognition algorithm, so the system chose the neural network algorithm. General neural network system uses only a set of standard template for training, but this system had groups of data for training. While programming the designer need have good comprehension of matrix constitute and eigenvalue normalization. After several groups samples being trained, the error rate of the recognition results is greatly reduced.


Key Words: license plate recognition; VLPR verification; Neural Network; character recognition

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 课题背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究任务 2

第二章 系统方案概述 3

2.1系统设计 3

2.2 MATALB平台介绍 4

第三章 算法基础 5

3.1 BP神经网络概述 5

3.2 BP神经网络结构 5

3.3 权值及误差计算 6

3.4 训练过程 7

第四章 程序设计 9

4.1 图像采集 9

4.2 图像预处理 9

4.2.1 图像灰度化 9

4.2.2 边缘检测 10

4.3 车牌定位 11

4.3.1 图像腐蚀 11

4.3.2 平滑处理 12

4.3.3 车牌分割 13

4.3.4 二值化处理 14

4.4 字符分割 15

4.5 字符识别 16

4.5.1 识别算法 16

4.5.2人工神经网络简介 16

4.5.3人工神经网络模型 16

4.5.4 BP神经网络结构设计 17

4.6 系统操作说明 18

第五章 分析与总结 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23

第一章 引言

1.1 课题背景及意义



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