2022-03-17 19:40:06
摘 要
关键字:ORACLE JSP 网上购物
With the development of the Internet, now more and more industries are beginning to take the information and network route, more and more online stores into people's daily life, online shopping this new shopping trend the way has been accepted by more people at the same time, the design and implementation of web browsers are increasingly high requirements. And this study design is to cater to the current online shopping popular way to develop a movie online ticketing system, through this website function, to meet customers in the queue does not need to go out to the case, this website is mainly for ORACLE database development platform, to achieve the user page using JSP technology, Java technology to complete the development of data management, combined with the The spring and mybatis integrated framework to achieve the main function of the movie network.
Using this system development also improved some technology and increasing innovation, to resolve the difficulties in management, operation cost is high, fully in line with the current society, low cost and high efficiency of this kind of philosophy. At the same time the system is simple to use, user interface friendly, easy operation and other characteristics, to allow customers to easily purchase movies, enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet.
This design is using java programming, combined with the front end technology and many frames design of a web version of the application. Single from the user's point of view, users can not only on the site to experience convenient browsing information, and users can be very convenient to buy want movie tickets, greatly improving the user experience degrees, and alleviate the pressure that buys a ticket, but also to allow the film to marketing can develop faster.
Key words: ORACLE JSP online shopping
第一章 前言 1
1.1、绪论 1
1.1.1课题开发背景和意义 1
1.2课题的研究内容 1
第二章 需求分析与开发工具概述 3
2.1需求分析 3
2.1.1功能需求分析 3
2.1.2业务流程分析 4
2.2系统开发工具概述 5
2.2.1 前端HTML 5
2.2.2 Myeclipse--Java开发工具 6
2.2.3 数据库Oracle 7
2.2.4 服务器Tomcat6.0 7
2.2.5 jQuery工具 8
2.3系统采用的框架结构 8
第三章系统设计和数据处理 9
3.1系统总体功能结构 9
3.2系统功能流程图 9
3.2系统数据库设计 10
3.2.1系统功能结构设计 10
3.2.2数据库表的逻辑设计 10
3.2.3数据表详细说明 11
3.3 数据处理 12
3.3.1 Java中的SQL语句 12
3.3.2关于数据的验证 13
3.3.3页面的数据传递到SQL语句中 13
第四章 详细设计和具体实现 14
4.1系统详细设计总体概述 15
4.2 Java访问数据库 15
4.3用户主界面设计 16
4.4 用户信息管理模块 17
4..5交易管理模块 18
第五章 软件测试 19
5.1软件测试的目的 20
5.2软件测试过程 20
5.2.1用户管理测试 20
图5.2密码错误提示 21
5.2.2首页模块测试 21
5.2.3购买模块测试 22
5.4系统软件测试结论 25
5.4.1软件功能 25
5.4.2缺陷与局限性 25
第六章 结语 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
第一章 前言