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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2021-05-15 23:00:09  

摘 要





Genotyping (Genotyping) is using biological detection method was developed for the determination of individual genotypes (Genotype) technology. Through the SNP genotyping, hope to be able to fundamentally solve the disease, safeguard people's life safety and body health, promote the progress of human society.

This paper mainly studies of SNP data classification, need a simple data file is read, pretreatment and the design of the classification algorithm based on distance, simple data preprocessing and classification is realized by programming. Experimental data from the flying company SNP6.0 chip data, using the SDK read gene data, CEL, CDF file as input; Will read out the intensity of SNP data processing, median filtering to remove artificial outside the scope of the data, get more biological significance genetic data, logistic operation, after processing the data displayed on the coordinate system; Point a, the distance to the diagonal is calculated based on the artificial genotype concentration calculated when the concentration of the distance to the point at which a diagonal b1, b2 (heterozygous and homozygous) respectively. If a is equal to or less than b1, for heterozygous genotype AB. If a is greater than the b2, homozygous genotype of AA and BB; Near the allele A concentration axis point to AA genotype, near the allele B concentration axis point for BB genotype. The study realized the SNP data file reading and simple pretreatment, and the data display on the coordinate system after pretreatment, through calculating the distance between points to the diagonal realized SNP.

Key words: SNP parting; SDK read gene data; classification algorithm


第1章 绪论 1

1.1国内外研究现状 1

1.2目的意义 1

1.3课题研究内容及预期目标 1

1.3.1 课题研究内容 1

1.3.2 预期目标 2

第2章 理论准备 3

2.1基因分型 3

2.1.1 SNP 3

2.1.2 基因分型原理 3

2.1.3 基因分型常见方法 4

2.2 java语言面向对象思想 5

第3章 基因分型算法的实现 7

3.1 整体流程 7

3.1.1 读取数据模块: 8

3.1.2 数据预处理模块: 11

3.1.3 基因分型算法模块 13

3.1.4 确定基因型模块 15

3.3 生成数据文件及散点图 16

3.3.1 生成数据文件 16

3.3.2 生成散点图 21

第4章 问题的发现与解决 25

第5章 论文总结 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

第1章 绪论


在2002年10月,国际单倍型图谱计划(Haplotype Map Project)正式启动,这是一种单倍型图谱计划,用于研究SNP,也是一种用来找寻已作标示的SNP遗传变异图谱计划,具有广泛的国际性。在2003年,“国际单倍型图谱计划”十分之一的任务有中国进行负责并执行[1]。从这一点可以体现出,我国在研究基因领域方面的能力的不断提高,以及,巨大地提升了我国在国际范围内的学术地位,尤其是在生命科学方面的地位。开始这样的计划,会帮助人类更快的、更精确的找到导致人患病的基因。人不人之间的基因序列具有高度的一致性,但是仍有些许不同,体现在碱基的排列顺序上,就是这一点使得人类的遗传具有多态性。HapMap计划就是研究这0.1%差异的排列顺序[2]


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