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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2021-05-15 22:47:18  

摘 要











Image target recognition is one of the most important research fields in digital image processing. Through the study of image target recognition, the machine can complete the identification and classification of the target. Target recognition can penetrate into the engineering, industrial, medical, aviation, military and aspects of human production and life and can play an important role. This paper selects a relatively new technology which is based on singular spectrum analysis to complete the task of target recognition.

After understanding the development of fractal technology and image processing technology both at home and abroad, this thesis focuses on the analysis and study of the principle of singular spectrum analysis and its application in target recognition. For singular spectrum analysis of the image, the image is firstly to pretreatment, which includes target image size conversion, filtering and denoising, edge extraction and image segmentation. Then the image after preprocessing, the singular spectrum is calculated. Finally image feature values from singular spectrum extraction, and classification algorithm with the matching, so as to achieve targets classification and recognition.

The main work of this paper is as follows:

(1)According to the demands of the singular spectrum analysis, the image need to be preprocessed, which include image type conversion, size transform and filtering denoising. And the image edge extraction and segmentation were achieved, which make preparations for mixed multi-target recognition.

(2)The singular spectrum analysis method principle and application are studied, including gray value of direct calculation method, box dimension method and based on edge extraction of box dimension method. After image singular spectrum is obtained, the difference among image of singular spectrum can be found, which can be as the characteristic value extraction basis.

(3) In the research of target recognition technology under the singular spectrum analysis method, according to the singular spectrum of the image, we can extract the image feature values. These feature values can be using in classification algorithm, so as to achieve targets classification and recognition. Classification algorithms include BP neural network, decision tree, support to the extraction amount of machine, a minimum distance classification algorithm, Bayesian classifier, Mahalanobis distance classification algorithm. The simulation results can represent various classification algorithms which can be based on singular spectrum characteristic value to achieve target recognition.

(4)After the singular spectrum analysis method is optimized, I propose the singular spectrum analysis method based on gray-scale transformation. Gray level transformation can reduce similar between the targets of the singularity spectrum difference and enhance different types of goal images’ difference. The optimization algorithm is used for a variety of classification algorithms and it can make the recognition rate be increased. This thesis through an iterative algorithm to find the optimal decision threshold and studies the effect of different combinations of gray-scale transformation on the recognition results. The conclusion is the target identification of optimal gray background and objectives of transform combination under the highest recognition rate.

The research work will be of great significance to the research and application of target recognition based on singular spectrum analysis.

Keywords: Image preprocessing; singular spectrum analysis; classification algorithm; target recognition; multi fractal

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及目的意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文主要内容 2

第2章 奇异谱分析图像预处理 4

2.1 奇异谱分析图像预处理 4

2.2 图像变换 4

2.2.1 几何变换 4

2.2.2 类型变换 5

2.2.3 图像大小变换仿真实现 6

2.3 图像去噪 7

2.3.1 简单局部平滑 7

2.3.2 中值滤波 7

2.3.3 图像滤波仿真实现及对比分析 8

2.4 图像分割 9

2.4.1 边缘提取原理及仿真实现 9

2.4.2 混合目标分割原理及仿真实现 10

2.5 本章小结 12

第3章 数字图像的奇异谱分析 13

3.1 分形理论概述 13

3.1.1 分形的定义 13

3.1.2 分形分类 13

3.1.3 分形维数与盒维 14

3.2 奇异谱理论 15

3.3 数字图像奇异谱计算及仿真实现 17

3.3.1 灰度值直接计算法及仿真 18

3.3.2 盒维法及仿真 21

3.3.3 基于边缘提取的盒维法及仿真 23

3.4 本章小结 26

第4章 奇异谱分析法的优化及目标识别效果仿真与分析 27

4.1 基于奇异谱分析的目标识别技术 27

4.2 优化算法即基于灰度变换的奇异谱分析法 34

4.3 灰度变换组合对识别效果影响的仿真与分析 39

4.3.1 基于灰度变换的奇异谱分析法的识别效果仿真与分析 39

4.3.2 灰度变换组合对识别效果仿真与分析 46

4.4 优化算法识别效果的仿真对比分析 49

4.5 本章小结 54

第5章 总结与展望 55

5.1 总结 55

5.2 展望 56

参考文献 57

致 谢 59

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及目的意义



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