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 2020-07-01 21:12:43  

摘 要


关键词:声音识别 语音密码 LabVIEW

Voice Password Recognition Based on LabVIEW


Speech is a symbol of the history of human language. It is a natural attribute of human nature and is the main form of communication and communication between people. Speech can give voice necessary information through language, and it is the foundation and carrier of human communication. Because the individual differences in physiological structure and the different environment in the future, the phonetics of different individuals have completely different self characteristics, and therefore, it is based on the relevant technical analysis to identify the speaker's individual. In today's highly technical information technology, voice recognition technology and a series of applications have become indispensable information carriers in the society. Speaker recognition is to identify the identity of others by extracting the personal characteristics of the speaker's voice. Speech recognition used in speaker recognition is a characteristic of human biology. It has distinct characteristics. It is difficult to be completely imitated, and can be used at any time, and can be used for remote network service. It is safer, more effective and reliable than traditional methods such as text and password recognition. With the development of technology, the application of voice recognition technology will be more and more extensive and practical. This design realizes the voice and password recognition based on LabVIEW, and the content of the recognition is limited to multi digit, thus simplifying the difficulty of recognition. At the same time, it also has the possibility of developing the application of voice and cryptography.

Key Words: Voice Password; Voice Recognition;LabVIEW


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

目录 Ⅲ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 声音识别技术背景和意义 1

1.2声音识别技术应用和前景 1

1.3研究工作概述 2

1.4论文章节概要 3

第二章 基于LabVIEW的声音信号采集 5

2.1 LabVIEW介绍 5

2.2声音采集系统的设计 5

2.2.1语音的产生 5

2.2.2声音信号的采集和数字化 6

2.2.3声卡设置 7

2.3声音信号的处理 9

2.3.1预处理 9

2.3.2声音截取 9

2.3.3动态时间规整 10

第三章 基于labview的声音特征提取 14

3.1 声音特征参数概述 14

3.2 Mel倒谱系数 14

3.3 MFCC系数提取 14

第四章 声音密码识别系统设计 17

4.1 系统程序流程设计 17

4.1.1声音信号的采集与存储 17

4.1.2 Mel特征参数的算法 18

4.1.3声音密码的对比识别 19

4.2前面板设计 20

4.3实验结果与分析 21

第五章 小结 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26

附录 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 声音识别技术背景和意义



二十世纪60年代,声音识别技术研究体系通过人工神经网络得以更进一步。线性预测编码技术(Linear Predictive Coding),和动态时间规整算法(Dynamic Time Warping)是这个年代里该技术上的最大突破。


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