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 2020-06-07 21:28:49  

摘 要





Automatic control technology is an important part of modern electronic science and technology, has an important influence on modern home life, and promotes the improvement of living standard. At present, most of the curtains used by the people in the home are closed by hand. This kind of curtains will be time consuming in terms of production and will be less convenient in terms of operation, and will be time consuming and laborious. The intelligent curtains in the design of the STC89C52 chip, coupled with the external clock chip, stepper motor, motor drive, temperature acquisition chip, photoresistor, etc., these circuit modules are well together, the design of such a smart Curtain control system, you can achieve automatic switching curtains, at the same time, also focused on the design of the manual button switch curtains and remote control button switch curtain function, effectively achieve the intelligent control of the diversification and flexibility. SCM needs to be programmed to achieve effective control of each module, so the system design and application of a large number of programming, and in the early system design, the need to use Protiel and Protues to draw the schematic and simulation map.

The design of the automatic curtain is composed of several modules, including the minimum system of the MCU, the LCD1602 liquid crystal display module, the power module, the stepping motor control module, the DS1302 clock module, the keyboard module and the light detection module. Focusing on the area to study, discussed the curtain automatic control system needs to achieve the function, the need for hardware and software programming needs, users in the use of this system, you can quickly and easily control the size of the curtain opening, effective control of indoor light intensity; Can achieve light intensity detection, set the timing to control the curtain automatic switch. With temperature measurement and alarm function.

Key words: single chip STC89C52; automation; intelligent curtains;

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2设计思想及基本功能 2

1.3基本内容安排 2

第二章 智能窗帘的方案设计 4

2.1智能窗帘的整体方案 4

2.1.1总体结构设计 4

2.1.2 系统框图 5

2.2 不同模块的方案设计 6

2.2.1单片机芯片设计与论证 6

2.2.2按键控制模块设计与论证 6

2.2.3时钟模块设计与论证 7

2.2.4温度采集模块设计与论证 7

2.2.5显示模块模块设计与论证 7

2.3 本章小结 8

第三章 智能窗帘硬件电路设计 9

3.1 STC89C52单片机最小系统 9

3.1.1 晶振电路 10

3.1.2 复位电路 10

3.2时钟模块电路设计 11

3.3温度检测器模块电路设计 11

3.4键盘模块电路设计 12

3.5液晶显示电路设计 12

3.6光敏传感器电路设计 13

3.7步进电机控制电路设计 14

3.8 蜂鸣器报警电路的设计 14

3.9 电源电路设计 15

3.10 本章小结 15

第四章 智能窗帘软件设计 17

4.1 软件构成框图 17

4.2 主程序流程图 18

4.3 子程序流程图 19

4.3.1初始化程序流程图 19

4.3.2温度检测程序流程图 20

4.3.3 A/D转换流程图 21

4.3.4 显示程序流程图 22

4.3.5 按键程序流程图 22

4.3.6 电机驱动程序流程图 23

4.3.7 时间设置程序流程图 24

4.4 本章小结 25

第五章 仿真与实物调试 26

5.1 PROTUES仿真 26

5.2 实物调试 28

5.3 本章小结 31

结 语 32

参 考 文 献 33

致谢 35

附录 电路原理图 36

第一章 绪论






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