2020-04-18 19:40:12
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
1、内容: 固体氧化物燃料电池(sofc)具有能量转换效率高、环境友好、燃料适用性强和无腐蚀等突出优点,是最有前途的高效、洁净的发电技术之一,近年来受到国内外有关方面的极大关注。
2. 参考文献
[1] Park S, Choi S, Shin J, etal. A collaborative study of sintering and composite effects for a PrBa0.5 Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5 δ IT-SOFC cathode[J]. RSC Advances, 2014,4(4):1775-1781. [2] Subardi A, Chen C C, Cheng M H, etal. Electrical, thermal and electrochemical properties of SmBa1#8722;xSrxCo2O5 δ cathode materials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2016,204:118-127. [3] Zheng Y, Zhang Y, Yu F, et al. Ca and Fe co-doped SmBaCo2O5 δ layered perovskite as an efficient cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,696:964-970. [4] Kim J, Choi S, Park S, etal. Effect of Mn on the electrochemical properties of a layered perovskite NdBa0.5Sr0.5Co2-xMnxO5 δ(x= 0,0.25,and0.5)for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells[J]. Electrochimica Acta. 2013,112:712-718. [5] Subardi A, Cheng M H, Fu Y P. Chemical bulk diffusion and electrochemical properties of SmBa 0.6Sr0.4Co2O5 δ cathode for intermediate solid oxide fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(35): 20783-20790. [6] Pang S, Wang W, Chen T, et al. The effect of potassium on the properties of PrBa1#8722;xCo2O5 δ (x=0.00#8211;0.10) cathodes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41(31):13705-13714. [7] Kong X, Liu G, Yi Z, etal. NdBaCu2O5 δ and NdBa0.5Sr0.5Cu2O5 δ layered perovskite oxides as cathode materials for IT-SOFCs[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(46):16477-16483. [8] Wang Y, Zhao X, L#252; S, etal. Synthesis and characterization of SmSrCo2-xMnxO5 δ(x= 0.0,0.2, 0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0) cathode materials for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells[J]. Ceramics International, 2014,40(7):11343-11350. [9] Guo W, Guo R, Liu L, etal. Thermal and electrochemical properties of layered perovskite PrBaCo2-xMnxO5 δ(x= 0.1,0.2and0.3) cathode materials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015,40(36):12457-12465. [10] Liu L, Guo R, Wang S, etal. Synthesis and characterization of PrBa0.5Sr0.5Co2#8722;xNixO5 δ(x= 0.1,0.2and0.3) cathodes for intermediate temperature SOFCs[J]. Ceramics International,2014, 40(10):16393-16398. [11] Zhang Y, Yu B, L#252; S, etal. Effect of Cu doping on YBaCo2O5 δ as cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells[J]. Electrochimica Acta,2014,134:107-115. [12] Park S, Choi S, Shin J, etal. A collaborative study of sintering and composite effects for a PrBa 0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5 δ IT-SOFC cathode[J]. RSC Advances,2014,4(4):1775-1781. Jun A, Lim T, Shin J, etal. Electrochemical properties of B-site Ni doped layered perovskite cathodes for IT-SOFCs[J]. international journal of hydrogen energy,2014,39(35): 20791-20798.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 备 注 2月25日 ~3月3日 确定课题,布置任务,阅读文献资料,并进一步检索文献。
3月4日 ~3月17日 翻译英文文献,完成开题报告;制订实验计划,了解实验仪器设备及实验方法。
3月18日 ~ 3月24日 修改开题报告及英文文献翻译,进行开题,根据意见完善实验计划。
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- 碳纳米管和二氧化锰纳米粒子修饰的少层石墨烯在高性能超级电容器中的应用外文翻译资料
- 高能MnO2纳米线/石墨烯和石墨烯不对称电化学电容器外文翻译资料
- 影响立式辊磨机性能的操作参数外文翻译资料
- 水泥行业立式辊磨机及其性能参数研究进展外文翻译资料
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- 层状钙钛矿A位缺陷的理解: 促进质子陶瓷电化学电池水氧化和氧还原的双反应动力学外文翻译资料
- 基于细菌纤维素/木质素的柔性高石墨化碳气凝胶: 无催化剂合成及其在储能装置中的应用外文翻译资料