2022-06-05 22:10:27
摘 要
在采用超声清洗陶瓷膜的实验中,得出以下结论:当超声清洗时间为10min时,清洗效果最好,膜的恢复率可达0.88;随着清洗距离的增加,超声清洗的效果降低。当清洗距离为0时,对于污染程度较轻的陶瓷膜超声清洗后,其恢复率可以达到92.5%,而污染严重的陶瓷膜其恢复率仅为81%;对于污染程度相同的陶瓷膜,清洗效果为超声 化学剂gt;超声清洗gt;化学剂清洗gt;水洗;不同的污染水质超声清洗通量的恢复是不同的,吸附性强的污染水质污染的严重,需要清洗的时间长;添加金属可以有效提高超声清洗效果,在清洗距离为40㎝时,添加金属片的作用效果更加明显。
关键词:陶瓷膜 膜污染 超声清洗 膜恢复
Development status of ultrasonic cleaning membrane fouling
Ceramic membrane is an inorganic porous film which is made of SiO2, Al2O3 etc. in recent years,its applied more and more widely in the field of water treatment and chemical;however when it work, its polluted and congested easily, limiting the application of ceramic membranes. To expand the application field of ceramic membranes, it is essential to find the right cleaning method.by comparison with the conventional cleaning methods, ultrasonic cleaning technology is help to control the formation of membrane fouling, it also have the best effect on membrane recovery .
This article summarizes the properties of the ceramic membrane, membrane fouling and cleaning methods, reviewing the research of ceramic membrane cleaning technology, discussing the future development of ultrasonic cleaning ceramic membranes. Ultrasonic-assisted suspension TiO2 ceramic membrane filtration system, Mostly study at different time cleaning,distance cleaning,the influence of different water pollution cleaning effect on the membrane, and the effects of different cleaning methods on membrane filtration process;analyzes the ultrasonic cleaning of the membrane mechanism, by adding a metal analysis of their impact on the effectiveness of ultrasonic cleaning.
In experiments with ultrasonic cleaning ceramic membrane, the effect of cleaning time, distance, different pollution of water and add metal on membrane cleaning; when the ultrasonic cleaning time of 10min, the cleaning effect is the best, the recovery of the film can be 0.88; with the increasing distance cleaning, ultrasonic cleaning effect is reduced. When the cleaning distance is 0, the less polluted ceramic membrane,the recovery rate could reach 92.5%, while polluting ceramic membrane which recovery rate was 81%; the cleaning effect of the same polluted level ceramic membrane is that :ultrasound chemical compoundsgt; ultrasonic cleaninggt; chemical cleaninggt; Washable; different water pollution lead to ultrasonic cleaning flux recovery is different, strong adsorption of contaminated water pollution is serious, its need long time to clean; adding metal can be effective improve the effect of ultrasonic cleaning, the cleaning distance 40cm, the addition of metal rods effect more pronounced.
Keywords: ceramic membrane pollution ultrasonic cleaning membrane recovery
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1陶瓷膜的概况 1
1.2陶瓷膜的过滤方式和应用 1
1.2.1陶瓷膜的过滤方式 1
1.2.2陶瓷膜的应用 2
1.3陶瓷膜的污染及影响因素 3
1.4陶瓷膜的清洗 4
1.4.1机械清洗 4
1.4.2化学清洗 4
1.4.3表面活性剂 5
1.4.4电场清洗 5
1.4.5超声清洗 5
1.5课题的提出和研究内容 6
1.5.1课题的提出 6
1.5.2研究内容 6
第二章 实验与测试方法 8
2.1实验原料 8
2.2主要实验设备 8
2.3实验中的表征参数 8
2.4实验方法 9
第三章 实验结果与分析 11
3.1超声清洗的作用机理 11
3.2陶瓷膜过滤污水通量随时间的变化 12
3.3不同清洗方法清洗效果的比较 12
3.4超声清洗时间对陶瓷膜清洗效果的影响 13
3.5超声清洗对不同污染水质清洗效果的比较 14
3.5.1不同污染水质对膜通量的影响 14
3.5.2超声清洗对不同污染水质污染的陶瓷膜清洗效果的比较 15
3.6超声清洗距离对清洗效果的影响 16
3.7添加金属片对超声清洗效果的影响 17
第四章 结论与展望 19
4.1结论 19
4.2展望 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 22
第一章 绪论
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