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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 无机非金属材料工程 > 正文


 2022-04-10 22:24:47  


摘 要

热电材料能将热能与电能直接转换, 在温差发电和半导体制冷领域具有广阔的应用前景。Cu2SnS3是常见的P型半导体热电材料。前期研究表明, Sn位Zn掺杂后, Cu2SnS3可获高达0.9mW/(m·K2)的功率因子, 和接近于理论最低值的高温晶格热导, 证明Cu2SnS3是一种类似于电子晶体声子玻璃的环境友好型热电材料的潜力候选体系。为进一步提高Cu2SnS3基材料的热电性能, 本论文简单地采用机械混合与分散剥离微米级MoS2粉末添加剂所得的纳米晶体和放电等离子烧结的方法, 制备了一系列以Zn掺杂Cu2SnS3为基体的纳米复合材料, 用以检验引入能量过滤、提高功率因子的同时降低热导率的效果, 并探讨其作用机理。结果表明, 在本研究的特定行星磨运行条件下, 纳米级MoS2晶粒可简单获得并分散于Cu2SnS3中;相比于未复合样品, 复合材料样品在少许降低电导率情况下, 功率因子获得有效提升的同时热导率进一步降低;在2mol%的最佳复合比例下, 热电优值ZT达到0.89 (723 K), 较未复合样品(ZT = 0.46)提升近1倍, 是迄今为止同温条件下硫化物的最高值。这些发现验证了MoS2纳米复合工艺路线对该体系热电性能的显著提升作用。

关键词:Cu2SnS3 热电材料 MoS2 纳米复合 热电性能


Thermoelectric materials can directly convert thermal energy and electric energy, and have broad application prospects in the field of thermoelectric power generation and semiconductor refrigeration. Cu2SnS3 is a common P-type semiconductor thermoelectric material. Through Sn-site-Zn-doping, a high power factor of ~0.9 mW/(m·K2) and a low lattice thermal conductivity close to theoretical minimum (0.3 W/(m K)) have been previously obtained in Zn-doped Cu2SnS3 which evidenced itself as a promising electron-crystal-phonon-glass-like environmentally-friendly thermoelectric candidate. In the present thesis, in order to further improve the thermoelectric performance of Cu2SnS3-based materials, a series of dense bulk ceramics of nanocomposite with heavily Zn-doped Cu2SnS3 as the matrix were prepared by spark plasma sintering, where nanoscale layer-structured MoS2 particles were incorporated simply by mechanically dispersing and at the same time exfoliating micro-sale MoS2 powder as an additive with the doped Cu2SnS3 powder, in an attempt to examine and clarify the mechanism of the combined effects of introducing the energy filtering effect to enhance the power factor and simultaneously suppressing the thermal conductivity. Results show, under a specified condition of planetary mechanical ball milling, nano-scale MoS2 can be dispersed in the matrix, and as a result, an effective enhancement of power factor at a small sacrifice of electrical conductivity was achieved, accompanied with a further decreased thermal conductivity compared to that of the purely Zn-doped counterpart, and finally, with an optimal addition of 2 mol% MoS2, a high ZT of ~0.89 at 723 K was realized, which is increased by ~100 % relative to the Zn-doped sample and stands the top so far among the sulfide thermoelectrics at the same temperature. These findings evidenced the significant effectiveness of the nanocomposite approach using MoS2 layered nanostructures.

Key Words: Cu2SnS3; Thermoelectric materials; MoS2; Nanocomposite; Thermoelectric properties



第一章 绪论 1

1.1 热电材料发展史 1

1.2 热电效应的基本原理 1

1.2.1 赛贝克效应 1

1.2.2 帕尔帖效应 2

1.2.3 汤姆逊效应 2

1.3 热电优值 2

1.4提高热电性能的方法 3

1.4.1 晶格掺杂 3

1.4.2 纳米化和低维化 3

1.5热电材料的应用 4

1.5.1热电发电的应用 4

1.5.2热电制冷的应用 4

1.6 硫族化合物热电材料 4

1.6.1 Cu2SnS3 4

1.6.2 Zn掺杂Cu2SnS3 5

第二章 MoS2 7

2.1 MoS2的简介 7

2.2 MoS2的结构 7

2.3 MoS2的性质与应用 7

2.3 .1 MoS2的性质 7

2.3 .2 MoS2的应用 7

2.3 .3 MoS2的电输运特性 8

2.4 MoS2的制备 8

2.5 本课题的研究内容 9

第三章 实验部分 11

3.1纳米粉体样品合成 10

3.1.1 Cu2SnS3的固相合成 11

3.1.2 MoS2与Cu2SnS3的复合 12

3.2 块体制备 13

3.3 物相分析 15

3.3.1 XRD分析 15

3.3.2 SEM观察形貌特征 17

3.4 热电性能测试 18

3.4.1电导率 18

3.4.2 赛贝克系数 20

3.4.3 功率因子 22

3.5热电优值的计算 24

第四章 结论与展望 25

4.1结论 25

4.2展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28


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