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 2022-04-06 21:03:51  


摘 要



The Study of Performance In The High-efficiency Cyclone Preheater With Double Out Wind of Different Diameter


The discretion of the preheater separation efficiency and the size of the resistance losses for the new dry process cement kiln firing energy consumption and power consumption has a very important influence, is the main performance index of the preheater. This topic research object is reducing double cyclone preheater, the wind out research purpose is based on efficient double outlet air preheater examination and air outlet diameter under the condition of different changes of the performance of cyclone preheater. Discussed the reducing of wind type preheater gas-solid two-phase movement rule and performance indicators, including the resistance loss of the preheater, gas three dimensional flow field and separation efficiency, etc. The research results show that increasing the outlet of the cyclone cylinder, the three-dimensional flow of gas makes more reasonable, more conducive to gas-solid separation and separation after solid powder from feed opening out smoothly; Increase the outlet also makes the preheater resistance loss reduced more than 10%, and the influence degree of the outlet diameter under different have certain difference, the outlet is 0.7 d double out of the air preheater minimum resistance losses; Grasps the dual cyclone preheater the wind out of outlet has excellent gas-solid separation performance, the outlet diameter is not obvious influence on separation efficiency.

Key words: Cyclone;Double out wind of different diameter ;Resistance loss;Separation efficiency; Gas dimensional flow field


摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题的提出及意义 1

1.2 课题的研究背景 3

1.2.1新型干法水泥 3

1.2.2 旋风预热器的研究开发 5

1.2.3 旋风筒的简介 9

1.2.4 提高旋风预热器热效率的途径 11

1.2.5 旋风筒的优化改进途径 12

1.2.6 双出风口预热器 14

第二章 研究思路、内容及方法 15

2.1 研究思路 15

2.1.1.阻力特性测试及研究方法 15

2.2.2.分离效率测试及研究方法 15

2.2 研究内容 16

2.3 实验方法设计 16

2.4试验装置流程及研究方法 17

2.4.1 试验装置流程 17

2.4.2 双出风旋风筒几何尺寸 17

2.4.3 实验设备 17

第三章 实验结果与分析 20

3.1 气体三维流畅的测定 20

3.2 异径双出风型旋风筒阻力损失测定 25

3.3 分离效率的测定 31

第四章 结论及展望 33

4.1 结论 33

4.2 展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 37

第一章 绪论


水泥的定义是加入水进行搅拌可以变成塑性浆体,能够把砂、石等建筑材料粘连在一起,在空气或水中都能够硬化的粉末状水硬性胶凝材料[1]。从1824年的波特兰水泥到现代水泥,水泥行业已经发展了近200年,其生产工艺也日新月异。最早的水泥窑是仓窑,而后德国的狄兹赫在1884年研发了立窑,紧跟其后的是在 1895年出现的回转窑。随着工业的不断发展,水泥需求量日益增加,为了提高水泥的生产效率,世界各地相继出现了各种不同样式的回转窑。德国伯力鸠公司在1930年发明了采用半干法生产立波尔窑, 其后德国洪堡公司开发了悬浮预热窑,之后就是由日本多家公司研制的预分解法。由于窑外预分解技术具有十分优越的性能,世界各国相继大力支持与发展悬浮预热窑。而后悬浮预热器的种类层出不穷,其规模也日益大型化。因此大多数的人都把新型干法水泥的出现看做水泥工业生产一个新的里程碑[2]



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