2021-12-26 13:57:01
摘 要
本次研究把某水泥厂的 3200t/d 的水泥分解炉作为原型,将煤和垃圾衍生燃料混合作为燃料在分解炉中共同燃烧,进行数值模拟,得到合适配比,以缓解煤燃烧而带来的能源环境问题。主要完成工作如下:
(1)对 TTF 型分解炉进行 1:1 建模并简化,使用 solidworks软件把简化后的模型实行整体结构化网格,部分非结构化网格的网格划分,选用合适的 CFD 数学模型实现对分解炉内湍流运动、煤粉与RDF燃烧、生料分解、辐射、NO 生成等物理化学过程的数值模拟。
(3)使用 Fluent 软件模拟计算简化后的分解炉模型,并对原工况参数模拟验证,使用煤粉燃料进行数值模拟。在合理的模型的基础上,把 RDF 掺混入煤粉作为燃料送入分解炉内进行燃烧数值模拟,选用 5 个不同的掺混比例模拟,得出最优比例是20%RDF与80%煤粉。
Simulation of simulation of co-combustion of coal and waste-derived fuel in TTF-type decomposition furnaces
This study used the 3200t/d cement decomposition furnace of a cement plant as a prototype, and the coal and waste-derived fuel mixed as fuel in the decomposition furnace, and made numerical simulations to obtain a suitable ratio to alleviate the energy and environmental problems caused by coal combustion. The main work is as follows:
(1) 1:1 modeling and simplifying the TTF-type decomposition furnace, using solidworks software to implement the simplified model as a whole structured mesh, partially unstructured mesh meshing, using the appropriate CFD mathematical model to achieve numerical simulation of the physical and chemical processes such as turbulence motion, coal powder and RDF combustion, raw material decomposition, radiation, AND NO generation.
(2) Using thermal weight/difference heat analysis method, the combustion characteristics of household waste were studied, the combustion dynamics were obtained, and the conclusion of the three stages of RDF combustion was drawn.
(3) Using Fluent software simulation to calculate the simplified decomposition furnace model, and the original operating condition parameters simulation verification, the use of coal powder fuel for numerical simulation. On the basis of a reasonable model, the RDF is mixed into coal powder as fuel and fed into the decomposition furnace for combustion numerical simulation, and 5 different doping ratio simulations are selected to obtain the optimal ratio of 20% RDF and 80% coal powder.
(4) By changing the particle size of RDF, exploring the effect of particle size on the operation of RDF in the decomposition furnace, the results of the fine particles of RDF with the flue gas and the circulation of coarse particles in the furnace were obtained.
(5) By changing the proportion of water in RDF, exploring its impact on NOx emissions, the more water, the more NOx emissions will increase.
Keywords: TTF-type decomposition furnace; waste-derived fuel; Co-combustion; Numerical simulation
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 RDF燃烧现状 3
1.3 分解炉炉型及其研究 5
1.4 研究内容及意义 6
1.4.1 研究内容 6
1.4.2 研究意义 6
第二章 分解炉数学模型 8
2.1 数学模型 8
2.1.1 湍流模型 8
2.1.2 煤粉与RDF燃烧模型 8
2.1.3 生料分解模型 9
2.1.4 辐射模型 9
2.1.5 NOx生成模型 10
2.2 数值方法 10
2.2.1 CFD技术简介 10
2.2.2 数值解法 11
第三章 实验方案 13
3.1 生活垃圾燃烧特性实验研究 13
3.1.1 样品制备 13
3.1.2 分析方法。 13
3.2 煤粉燃烧的数值模拟 13
3.2.1 数据收集 13
3.2.2 分解炉模型 13
3.2.3 边界条件 15
3.3 煤粉与RDF混燃的数值模拟 16
3.3.1 煤粉与RDF混燃的最优比例 16
3.3.2 RDF颗粒大小对分解炉的影响 17
3.3.3 RDF含水率对NOx排放的影响 17
第四章 实验结果与分析 18
4.1 生活垃圾燃烧特性 18
4.2 煤粉燃烧的数值模拟 19
4.2.1 速度场预测分析 19
4.2.2 温度场预测分析 20
4.2.3 组分场预测分析 21
4.2.4 NOx的预测分布 21
4.3 煤粉与RDF混燃的数值模拟 22
4.3.1 流场与温度场预测分析 22
4.3.2 各组分浓度预测 23
4.3.3 多因素综合评估 23
4.4 RDF颗粒大小对分解炉的影响 24
4.5 RDF中水分对NOx排放的影响 25
第五章 结论与展望 26
5.1 结论 26
5.2 展望 26
参考文献 27
致谢 29
第一章 绪论
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