2021-12-26 13:46:34
摘 要
Preparation and performance of recycled micro-powder cementitious materials from construction waste
With the rapid development of urban construction, the amount of construction waste in China have been increasing year by year. Construction waste may reach the peak in recent years. If these construction waste cannot be used promptly and effectively, it will have a long-term and huge impact on our environment. Recycling construction waste as much as possible can greatly reduce its harm. Recycled micro-powder from construction waste has lower activity. If it is used directly to prepare cementitious materials, its compressive strength is difficult to meet the requirements. Physical strength and chemical activation can be used to increase the strength of recycled micro-powder cementitious materials from construction waste.
In this paper, it mainly introduced the properties and activation methods of recycled micro-powder from Construction Waste(particle size is usually less than 0.16 mm). The feasibility of using recycled micro-powder as cementitious material was studied. The influence of different content of recycled micro-powder(10%, 20%, 30%)on the properties of cementitious material and the influence of different activation methods on the strength of cementitious material were studied.
The results showed that the main chemical composition of the recycled micro-powder was the same as the Portland Cement. The recycled micro-powder could be activated by physical and chemical activation. With the increase of the proportion of recycled micro-powder, the water requirement of the standard consistency of the cementitious materials increased gradually. The setting time of the cementitious materials increased as a whole. The initial setting time was extended and the initial setting time and the final setting time interval were shortened when replacement was 20% and 30%.The compressive strength of the cementitious material decreased with the increase in the amount of recycled micro-powder. When the amount of recycled micro-powder was 30%, the compressive strength was reduced by 36.2%. The 3d and 7d compressive strength of recycled micropowder cementitious materials can be improved by adding activator 1, and the 3d and 7d compressive strength of the cementitious materials can also be changed by adding activator 2.
Key words:Construction waste;Recycled micro-powder;Cementitious material; Activation
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1 建筑垃圾再生微粉活化方法 2
1.2.2 建筑垃圾再生微粉国内研究现状 4
1.2.3 建筑垃圾再生微粉国外研究现状 5
1.3 研究内容及思路 5
第二章 实验部分 7
2.1 实验原料 7
2.1.1 水泥 7
2.1.2 建筑垃圾微粉 7
2.1.3 水 7
2.1.4 激发剂 7
2.2 实验设备 7
2.3 再生微粉材性分析 8
2.4 再生微粉用于胶凝材料实验 8
2.4.1 试验内容 8
2.4.2 标准稠度需水量 9
2.4.3 凝结时间 9
2.4.4 抗压强度 9
第三章 结果与讨论 10
3.1 引言 10
3.2 再生微粉材性 10
3.2.1 化学成分 10
3.3 建筑垃圾再生微粉胶凝材料性能测试 10
3.3.1 不同建筑垃圾微粉取代量对标准稠度需水量与凝结时间的影响 10
3.3.2 不同建筑垃圾微粉取代量对抗压强度的影响 11
3.3.3 激发剂对抗压强度的影响 11
第四章 总结与展望 13
4.1 结论 13
4.2 展望 13
参考文献 15
致谢 16
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