2021-11-20 22:25:59
摘 要
Aggregate used to be considered as the inert component in concrete, which is often ignored. However, with the deepening of people's understanding of concrete, it is found that aggregate plays an important role in the concrete structure and affects the performance of concrete. In recent years, the concrete industry in China has been developing continuously, with the increasing use of concrete, high-quality natural sand and stone aggregate resources are in short supply, while artificial sand and stone are not used in the actual production of ready mixed concrete. At present, the quality of artificial sand and stone is still obviously insufficient. In the face of the lack of sand and stone aggregate, some sand and stone aggregate with unreasonable grading are also used in concrete production, This directly leads to a series of problems of concrete quality, such as poor workability of mixture, large amount of cement, high economic cost, poor durability and so on. The well graded aggregate with good combination of different particle sizes and low void ratio can reduce water consumption and cementitious materials, improve constructability, processability, cohesiveness and economy, provide the most dense aggregate arrangement, so as to increase aggregate volume and reduce the possibility of concrete cracking. Due to the uneven quality of aggregate in production, the variety and instability of aggregate sources, and the large fluctuation of aggregate quality, it is difficult to realize the reasonable control and adjustment of concrete grading in China.
In view of the above problems, this paper studies the theory of gradation and the design of concrete mix proportion. Combined with the specific situation of commercial concrete production in China, it tries to put forward the optimization method of aggregate gradation in the mix proportion design of ready mixed concrete under the condition of retaining raw materials. The main technical route is to realize the grading method of reasonable combination of coarse and fine aggregate on the basis of relevant theories and research conclusions, which can rationalize the particle size and improve the overall grading effect of concrete aggregate as far as possible under the existing conditions of maintaining the raw material mobilization. Through the research, three key control points are put forward: the maximum density curve, the recommended range of ACI screening, the applicable range of the combination of roughness coefficient and workability coefficient. On this basis, the aggregate mix proportion (sand content) is determined to provide theoretical guidance for concrete mix proportion design in actual production.
Keyword:Aggregate grading optimization; Design of concrete proportion; maximum density curve; sieve residue of each sieve meter; coarseness factor and workability factor
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1目的意义 1
1.2混凝土骨料级配研究现状 1
1.3混凝土的配合比设计方法 3
1.3.1 水胶比法则 3
1.3.2 混凝土密实体积法则 3
1.3.3 最小单位用水量或最小胶凝材料用量法则 3
1.3.4 最小水泥用量法则 3
1.4课题意义与研究内容 4
1.5试验流程图 4
第2章 骨料级配优化的方法与控制要点 5
2.1主要技术路线 5
2.2控制要点 5
2.2.1 最大密度曲线 5
2.2.2 ACI关于各筛分计筛余的建议范围 6
2.2.3 粗糙度因子-工作性因子 6
第3章 试验原材料与主要设备 8
第4章 配合比设计中的骨料级配优化 9
4.1配合比设计中骨料级配优化方法 9
4.1.1配合比设计三个重要参数 9
4.1.2配合比设计中骨料级配优化 9
4.2骨料级配优化实例(设计强度为40MPa) 11
第5章 实验结果分析 16
5.1实验方法总结 16
5.2 试验配合比设计 16
5.3实验结果及分析 16
结论 20
1.主要结论 20
2.主要创新点 20
3.研究展望 20
参考文献 22
致谢 23
第1章 绪论
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