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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 无机非金属材料工程 > 正文


 2021-05-13 22:47:15  

摘 要


本论文使用分散法制备无机玻璃墨水,通过旋转粘度仪、表面张力仪、多参数测试仪等检测仪器对溶剂和墨水的理化性能进行表征,考查UNIQJET 9510、CTAB、三聚磷酸钠三种分散剂对墨水性能的影响,并对比两种不同墨水溶液的性能,以获得理化性能最佳满足喷墨打印需求的墨水清漆。






As an non-impact digital printing technology, ink-jet printing gets an edge over the old printing methods with a better degree of personalization, automation and higher clarity, which has already triggered a revolution in domestic ceramic industry. Since the advantages mentioned above equally apply to glass industry, ink-jet printing method is the most potential technology for glass products with complex patterns and multi colors.

In this study, the inorganic glass ink was prepared by dispersion method. Four different inks were formulated by three distinct dispersants such as UNIQJET 9510, CTAB and sodium tripolyphosphate with one no-treatment control group adding no dispersant. The effect of dispersant was further investigated by various testing instruments like rotational viscometer and surface tension meter in order to achieve the qualified ink varnish of which the physical and chemical properties meets the requirements of ink-jet printing.

Based on a on a comprehension understanding of the structure and stability mechanism of glass ink, this study investigated the effects of dispersants on the physical and chemical properties of glass ink-jet ink by analyzing and representing the collected data in trend graphs.

The results showed that the conductivity is largely defined by the property of dispersant as the CTAB significantly increase the conductivity of the ink. However, the pH value of the ink is mainly determined by the composition of solvent. The viscosity decreased as dispersants added while the viscosity of sodium tripolyphosphate group remain a high level probably owing to it’s inorganic property. The dispersants contributed to the reduction of surface tension but at a modest rate. The coated samples prepared by No.1 formula were superior in color and texture. The ink using No.1 formula and UNIQJET 9510 was found to be the best prepared ink of viscosity and surface tension fell into the range required by “drop on demand” ink-jet printers, making the ink compatible with commercially available printers.

The data is of representative and can be served as reference of preparing inorganic glass ink or selecting disperse agents.

Key Words: glass; ink-jet printing; dispersant; ink.


第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 喷墨打印技术概述 1

1.3 喷墨打印墨水概述 2

1.3.1打印墨水分类及组成 2

1.3.2 打印墨水制备方法 3

1.3.3打印墨水的关键性能 3

1.3.4分散稳定机理 4

1.4玻璃墨水国内外发展近况 4

1.5本论文的研究意义与研究内容 5

第2章 实验部分 6

2.1 实验原料与仪器设备 6

2.1.1实验药品与材料 6

2.1.2实验设备与仪器 6

2.2 墨水制备方案 7

2.2.1 制备流程 7

2.2.2 墨水配方 7

2.3 玻璃墨水性能测试方法 8

2.3.1 粘度测试 8

2.3.2 pH和电导测定 8

2.3.3 密度测定 8

2.3.4 表面张力测定 8

2.3.5 接触角测定 8

2.3.5 静置沉降测定 9

2.3.6 涂覆样品 9

第3章 实验结果讨论 10

3.1 墨水的pH值 10

3.2 墨水的电导率值 11

3.3 墨水的粘度 13

3.4 墨水的表面张力和接触角 14

3.5 墨水的沉降速率 16

3.6 墨水的涂覆样品 18

第4章 分散剂对墨水性能的影响分析 20

4.1 分散剂对墨水pH值和电导值的影响 20

4.2 分散剂对墨水粘度和沉降稳定性的影响 20

4.3 分散剂对表面张力和接触角的影响 21

结论与展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

第1章 绪 论

1.1 引言



1.2 喷墨打印技术概述

喷墨打印依据电信号将墨滴喷印于打印基质上,因此是一种非接触式的打印技术,同时实现了高速度、高质备和低噪音甚至无噪音的单色和彩色文字及图像印刷,打印基质可以是普通纸也可以是玻璃、塑料、陶瓷和金属等。世界上首台成功应用喷墨印刷原理的设备诞生于1951年,为西门子工程师Elmqvist研制的字符喷墨打印机,之后美国斯坦福大学的Richard Sweetz在此基础上研制出了连续喷墨打印机。

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