2020-07-06 18:33:33
摘 要
关键词:玉米油 亚麻油 葡萄籽油 过氧化值 酸价 氧化稳定性
Study on the Oxidation Stability of Corn Oil, Linseed Oil and Grape Seed Oil
Oxidation of fats and oils is a major cause of deteriorating edible oils and oily foods. Deteriorating edible oils pose a great threat to human health. Corn oil, linseed oil and grape seed oil have high nutritional value. However, it is easily oxidized and deteriorated during storage after opening. In this paper, the control variable method was used to study the three oils at 1/3 height (the edible oil reserves accounted for 1/3 of the confined space), the vacuum was added, the oxygen scavenger was added, the antioxidants were added under the condition that the lid was closed and the lid was closed. Oxidation value and acid value change. When 1/3 of the height was found, the three oils were prone to oxidation. Oxygen scavenging agent had the most significant effect on the oxidation stability of corn oil, linseed oil and grape seed oil. Evacuation followed by addition of 0.07% antioxidant rosemary did not improve oxidation stability. It is related to the solubility of the antioxidant in the oil and the amount incorporated. Need further study. The oxidation rate under the oven heating conditions at 60°C is 2.4 times that under natural storage conditions. The opening and closing of the lid just started to show little difference. Over time, the oxidation stability of the closed lid is gradually higher than that of the lid.
Key words: corn oil; flax oil; grape seed oil; peroxide value; acid value; oxidation stability
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 植物油氧化机理 1
1.3 植物油氧化稳定性的影响因素 2
1.4 植物油抗氧化研究进展 3
1.4.1 内源脂肪酸组成对氧化稳定性的影响研究 3
1.4.2 抗氧化剂对食用油氧化稳定性的影响研究 4
1.4.3 外因 5
1.4.4 加入除氧剂对食用油氧化稳定性的研究 5
1.5 研究目的与内容 5
第二章 材料与方法 7
2.1 材料与试剂 7
2.2 器材与设备 7
2.3 实验方案 8
2.4 过氧化值测定 8
2.5 酸价测定 9
第三章 数据分析 11
3.1 不同条件下玉米油过氧化值和酸价 11
3.1.1 玉米油的过氧化值 11
3.1.2 玉米油的酸价 13
3.2 不同条件下亚麻油的过氧化值和酸价 15
3.2.1 亚麻油的过氧化值 15
3.2.2 亚麻油的酸价 17
3.3 不同条件下葡萄籽油的过氧化值和酸价 19
3.3.1 葡萄籽油的过氧化值 19
3.3.2 葡萄籽油的酸价 21
3.4 开盖闭盖条件下玉米油的过氧化值和酸价 22
3.4.1 开盖闭盖条件下的过氧化值 22
3.4.2 开盖闭盖条件下酸价的变化 23
第四章 结论 25
参考文献 26
致谢 28
第一章 绪论
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