2020-06-10 22:03:10
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
(1) 先对热解钻屑进行特征分析,包括含油量,化学组成,物相组成,粒径分布以及主要污染指标等,以掌握油基钻屑的基本特性。
2. 参考文献
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[2] 孟永涛.页岩气水平井油基泥浆体系的研究及应用[D].荆州:长江大学硕士学位论文,2013.
[3] Mcintyre CP, Harvey PM, Ferguson SH, et al. Determining the extent of biodegradation of fuels using the diastereomers of acyclic isoprenoids[J]. Environscitechnol, 2007,41(7): 2452-8.
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[6] Chaineau CH, Vidalie JFo, Hamzah US,et al. Bioremediation of Oil-Based Drill Cuttings under Tropical Conditions[J].SPE81562,SPE Middle East Oil Show, 9-12 June 2003, Bahrain.
[7] G. Antle,P. Gover , J.O. Pruett II . Integrated Waste Management: Successful Implementations of Thermal Phase Separation Technology for Oil- and Synthetic-Based Cuttings and Drilling Fluid Waste[J].SPE80595,SPE/EPA/DOE Exploration and Production Environmental Conference, 10-12 March 2003, San Antonio, Texas.
[8] 李舟军. 微波法处理油基钻屑技术[J].石油钻探技术,2012,40(2):54-54.
[9] M.Charles ,S. Sayle, N.W. Phillips , et al. Offshore Drill Cuttings Treatment Technology Evaluation[J].SPE126333,SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, 12-14 April 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[10] R.L. Stephenson. Thermal Desorption of Oil from Oil-Based Drilling Fluids Cuttings: Processe and Technologies [J]. SPE88486, SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 18-20 October 2004, Perth, Australia .
[11] A. J. Murray, | M. Kapila ,| G. Ferrari, et al. Friction-Based Thermal Desorption Technology: Kashagan Development Project Meets Environmental Compliance in Drill-Cuttings Treatment and Disposal[J].SPE116169,SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21-24 September 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA.
[12] 李学庆,杨金荣,尹志亮,等.油基钻井液含油钻屑无害化处理工艺技术[J].钻井液与完井液,2013,30(04):81-83.
[13] ALMUDHHI S. M. Environmental impact of disposal of oil-based mud waste in Kuwait [J] .Petroleum Science amp; Technology,2016,34(1):91-96.[14] ALAVI N, MESDAGHINIA A, NADDAFI K, et al. Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in a Soil Polluted Sample by Oil-Based Drilling Cuttings[J]. Soil amp; Sediment Contamination, 2014,23(5): 586-597.
[15] MKPAORO M. I. F, OKPOKWASILI G. C, JOEL O. F.A review of drill-cuttings treatment and disposal methods in nigeria-the gaps and way forward[C].Conference paper of the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Treatment and Disposal Methods for the Drill-Cuttings , Lagos, Nigeria, 2015:1-9.[16] 何焕杰,张淑侠,王爱华,等.气田深井聚磺钻井液废液复合固化处理技术研究[J].环境工程学报,2010,4(11):2489-2493.
[17] KARAMALIDIS A. K,VOUDRIAS E. A. Cement-based stabilization/solidification of oil refinery sludge: Leaching behavior of alkanes and PAHs[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2007,148(1):122-135.
[18] 何小红.长春地区柴油污染土性质及水泥固化效果研究[D].长春:吉林大学硕士学位论文,2015.[19] 李早元,柳洪华,郭小阳,等.油基钻井液组分对水泥浆性能的影响及其机理[J].天然气业,2016,36(03):63-68.[20] LI zaoyuan,LIU honghua, GUO xiaoyang,et al.Contamination of cement slurries with oil based mud and its components in cementing operations[J]. Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015,29:160-168.
[21]徐亦冬, 张利娟, 陆云龙. 粉煤灰、矿渣及硅灰对水泥胶砂流动性及早期强度的影响[J]. 混凝土, 2005, (9): 39-41.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2016.12-2017.1 阅读文献,完成文献综述和开题报告
2017.1-2017.3 对掺有热解钻屑的油井水泥石进行力学性能测试, 分析钻屑掺量对其力学性能的影响。
2017.3-2017.4 优选出与体系配伍性良好的外加剂,并确定外加剂的掺量,优化出基本配方。
2017.4-2017.6 完成毕业论文的书写。
- 利用污泥和低质粉煤灰制备高强度陶粒外文翻译资料
- 注蒸汽井中硅含量对水泥石抗压强度的影响外文翻译资料
- 碳纳米管和二氧化锰纳米粒子修饰的少层石墨烯在高性能超级电容器中的应用外文翻译资料
- 高能MnO2纳米线/石墨烯和石墨烯不对称电化学电容器外文翻译资料
- 影响立式辊磨机性能的操作参数外文翻译资料
- 水泥行业立式辊磨机及其性能参数研究进展外文翻译资料
- 立式辊磨机遇滚磨机基于能量的比较外文翻译资料
- 一种工作在500℃以下用于固体氧化物燃料电池的铌和钽共掺杂钙钛矿阴极外文翻译资料
- 层状钙钛矿A位缺陷的理解: 促进质子陶瓷电化学电池水氧化和氧还原的双反应动力学外文翻译资料
- 基于细菌纤维素/木质素的柔性高石墨化碳气凝胶: 无催化剂合成及其在储能装置中的应用外文翻译资料