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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 金属材料工程 > 正文


 2022-05-18 20:20:54  


摘 要

本文研究的双金属复合钢筋是在冷拉拔复合生产技术基础上进一步发展而来,其基本工艺流程主要包括以下三个环节:1、碳钢外表面预合金化处理(以下简称表面预合金化处理);2、碳钢或低合金钢圆钢和不锈钢薄壁管冷拉拔复合(以下简称冷拉拔复合);3、热处理冶金扩散结合。后续进行复合钢筋耐蚀性能研究。其中,表面预合金化处理和热处理冶金扩散结合这两个工艺环节为整个复合钢筋生产的关键工艺环节,直接决定了复合钢筋的最终产品性能指标。碳钢外表面预合金化处理的目的覆盖冶金结合所需合金元素层。本论文采用电镀的方法制备得到两种预合金化层。碳钢表面电镀NiP最佳电镀工艺为:硫酸镍,240g/L;添加剂A,50g/L;次亚磷酸钠,60g/L;添加剂B,0.05~0.10g/L;pH值4.0;温度,70℃;电流密度2.5A dm2;制备的镀层含磷量为11%左右。

热处理冶金扩散结合工艺环节是通过加热相变与扩散作用,使在碳钢和不锈钢界面发生合金元素的相互扩散以及相变过程,该过程包括前期固相扩散、低熔点共晶产物的形成(即界面熔化)、液相扩散、等温凝固(即界面凝固)以及后期固相扩散等5个主要步骤,最终实现复合钢筋的冶金结合成型。 以镍磷合金为中间层的复合钢筋,从双金属复合板剥离面形貌上看,随着瞬间液相复合温度的增加,断口的韧性区域面积增加,结合强度提高。随着等温凝固时间的增加,双金属复合板的结合强度先增加后减少,在等温凝固时间为20min时,复合温度1150℃时达到最大结合强度,最大为108.4MPa。根据断口形貌观察可知,随着等温凝固时间为40min以及120min时,断口的脆性平台逐渐增大,断口的二次裂纹增多,导致结合强度逐渐下降。 硬度实验结果显示,中间相硬度较母材以及固溶体相有较大提高,达到HV380左右,说明中间相硬度高,脆性大。

关键词:复合钢筋 电镀 镍基合金 瞬间液相复合


Double metal composite rebar in this study is a further development on the basis of cold-drawn composite technology. In this paper, the basic process includes following three aspects. 1. Electroplating pre-alloying on the surface of carbon steel; 2. Cold-drawn process between carbon or low alloy steel bar and stainless steel thin-walled tube; 3. Metallurgical diffusion bonding with heat treatment. And then the study of composite rebar corrosion resistance is also carried out. Wherein the surface using electroplating pre-alloyed and metallurgical diffusion bonding with heat treatment are the keys to the production of composite plates. They directly determine the final product performance of composite rebar. The purpose of pre-alloying is to cover the required metallurgical bonding layer. The two pre-alloyed layers in this paper are prepared by electroplating method. The best NiP plating process is as follows: NiSO4 240g/L;additive A 50g/L;NaH2PO2 60g/L;additive B 0.05~0.10g/L;pH 4.0;Temperature 70℃;current density 2.5A dm2. The P content is about 11% in the as-prepared NiP layer.

The metallurgical diffusion bonding heat treatment process, with phase transition and diffusion, is aimed at making the phase transition and diffusion successful between carbon steel and stainless steel. The process includes preliminary solid phase diffusion, low melting point eutectic product formation (ie, interface melting), liquid diffusion, isothermal solidification (interface solidification) and later solid-phase diffusion. The metallurgical bonding of composite rebar will be finished after the above process. Seen from the peeling surface morphology of double metal composite panels, the toughness area of the fracture has increased and the combined strength has improved with the increase of transient liquid composite temperature. Meanwhile, with the increase of isothermal solidification time, the combined strength double metal composite panels first increases and then decreases. The largest combinedstrength reachs 108.4 MPa when isothermal solidification time is 20minutes and the temperature is 1150 ℃. According to the fracture morphology, when isothermal solidification time is 40 min and 120 min, the brittle fracture platform and secondary crack gradually increased, leading to decrease of combined strength. Hardness test results show that the hardness of intermediate phase and solid solution phase has improved greatly compared with the base material, reaching about HV380, indicating high hardness and brittleness of the intermediate phase.

KEYWORDS: composite reinforcing bar, Electroplate, nickel-base alloy, TLP bonding

目 录

摘 要 1


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 复合材料 1

1.2.1复合材料的定义 1

1.2.2 复合材料的特点 1

1.2.3 复合材料的分类 1

1.2.4 复合材料的应用 2

1.3 金属层状复合材料制备方法 3

1.3.1固-固相复合法 3

1.3.2液-固相复合法 4

1.4 不锈钢碳钢复合材料的应用 4

1.5 不锈钢碳钢冶金复合工艺..............................................................................5


1.5.2 不锈钢/碳钢复合材料的拉拔工艺......................................................5

1.5.3 不锈钢/碳钢复合材料在海洋环境中应用..........................................5

1.6 论文的研究意义和目的.................................................................................6

第二章 实验方法 7

2.1 试验用的主要仪器和药品 8

2.1.1 试验用的主要仪器设备 8

2.1.2 试验用的主要化学试剂 9

2.1.3 试验材料的选择 10

2.2 复合钢筋的制备工艺 11

2.2.1 中间冶金层的制备工艺选择 11

2.2.2 碳钢圆钢表面电镀镍基合金的研究 11

2.3 组成与结构表征 15

2.3.1 化学成分分析方法 15

2.3.2 金相显微分析方法 15

2.3.3 扫描电镜分析方法 15

2.4 性能测试与表征 15

2.4.1 结合强度测试方法 15

第三章 碳钢表面预合金化工艺研究 17

3.1 表面预合金化工艺研究 17

3.1.1 碳钢表面电镀镍磷工艺研究 17

3.2 本章小结 21

第四章 双金属复合钢筋制备工艺研究 22

4.1 瞬间液相复合温度对双金属复合钢筋结合强度的影响 23

4.1.1 瞬间液相复合温度对双金属钢筋剪切强度的影响 23

4.1.2 瞬间液相复合温度对双金属复合钢筋界面组织的影响 23

4.1.3 瞬间液相复合保温时间对复合钢筋剥离面形貌的影响 25

4.2 复合钢筋中间冶金结合面硬度测试 26

4.3 本章小结 28

第五章 结论与展望 29

6.1 结论 29

6.2 展望 29

参考文献 31

致 谢 34

第一章 绪论



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