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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2020-04-24 11:18:58  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

主要内容包括: 具体安排:第一周:文献查阅 查阅相关的文献,要求学习并掌握利用中国期刊网、web of science、ei、elsevier等查阅文献,不少于20篇。

第二周:英文文献的翻译,文献字数3000字以上 要求掌握专业英语翻译。



2. 参考文献

[1] Quek A, Balasubramanian R. Low-energy and chemical-free activation of pyrolytic tire char and its adsorption characteristics[J]. 2009, 59(6): 747-756. [2] Roy C, Chaala A, Damstadt H. The vacuum pyrolysis of used tires: End-uses for oil and carbon black products[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 1999, 51(1,2): 201-221. [3] Ilk#305;l#305;ccedil; C, Ayd#305;n H. Fuel production from waste vehicle tires by catalytic pyrolysis and its application in a diesel engine[J]. Fuel Processing Technology. 2011, 92(5): 1129-1135. [4] Maroufi S, Mayyas M, Sahajwalla V. Nano-carbons from waste tyre rubber: An insight into structure and morphology[J]. 2017, 69: 110-116. [5] Kordoghli S, Paraschiv M, Tazerout M, et al. Novel catalytic systems for waste tires pyrolysis: optimization of gas fraction[J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the Asme. 2016, 139(3). [6] Lo Presti D. Recycled tyre rubber modified bitumens for road asphalt mixtures[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2013, 49: 863-881. [7] Thomas B S, Gupta R C, Panicker V J. Recycling of waste tire rubber as aggregate in concrete: durability-related performance[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 112: 504-513. [8] Yadav J S, Tiwari S K. Effect of waste rubber fibres on the geotechnical properties of clay stabilized with cement[J]. Applied Clay Science. 2017, 149: 97-110. [9] Rahimi R. S, Nikbin I M, Allahyari H, et al. Sustainable approach for recycling waste tire rubber and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to produce green concrete with resistance against sulfuric acid attack[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 126: 166-177. [10] 徐文英. 中国轮胎行业现状、发展及面临主要挑战析评[J]. 中国橡胶. 2015, 31(7): 6-10. [11] 梁滔,胡杰,李树毅,等. 丁基橡胶的发展现状及发展建议[J]. 高分子通报. 2014(2): 41-45. [12] 赵小平,史铁钧,王申生. 丁基橡胶与卤化丁基橡胶的结构、性能及发展状况[M]. 2008: 8-13. [13] Whitney R A, Penciu A, Parent J S, et al. Cross-Linking of brominated poly(isobutylene-co-isoprene) by N-alkylation of the amidine bases DBU and DBN[J]. Macromolecules. 2005, 38(11): 4625-4629. [14] Rajasekar R, Das C K. Development of butyl rubber nanocomposites in presence and absence of compatibiliser[J]. Plastics, Rubber and Composites. 2011, 40(8): 407-412. [15] Chameswary J, Sebastian M T. Butyl rubber#8211;Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 composites for flexible microwave electronic applications[J]. Ceramics International. 2013, 39(3): 2795-2802. [16] 吴一弦,顾笑璐,邱迎昕,等. MeOH/BF3体系引发异丁烯阳离子聚合反应中水含量及聚合温度的影响[J]. 2002, 20(4): 498-502. [17] 梁滔,胡杰,李树毅,等. 丁基橡胶的发展现状及发展建议[J]. 高分子通报. 2014(2): 41-45. [18] 杨清芝. 实用橡胶工艺学[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2005. [19] Ateeq M, Al-Shamma'A A. Experimental study on the microwave processing of waste tyre rubber aggregates to enhance their surface properties for their use in rubberized bituminous mixtures[J]. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2017, 59(12): 2951-2960. [20] 李世辉,张长春,于妍,等. 超声波场致作用在聚合物加工中的最新进展[J]. 高分子材料科学与工程. 2005(01): 71-75. [21] Gonzalez-De Los Santos E A, Soriano-Corral F, Lozano-Gonzalez M J, et al. Devulcanization of guayule rubber by ultrasound[J]. Rubber Chemistry and Technology. 1999, 72(5): 854-861. [22] 徐培福. 节能型远红外脱硫工艺简述[J]. 中国橡胶. 2006, 22(17): 40. [23] 赵文瑾,张雪,陈东升. 电子束辐照再生丁基橡胶[J]. 橡胶技术与装备. 2000, 26(1): 7-12. [24] 于清溪. 橡胶原材料手册[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2007. [25] 李翔. 超临界流体中废旧轮胎橡胶去硫化再利用的工艺基础研究[D]. 大连理工大学, 2016.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 备 注 2018.12-2019.1 查阅文献 2019.1-2019.2 翻译英文文献、写开题报告 2019.2-2019.3 利用亚临界流体挤出法制备丁基胶解硫共混物,研究硫化体系、螺杆转速对解硫共混物门尼粘度、凝胶含量、溶胶分子量的影响。

2019.3-2019.4 对丁基胶解硫共混物的溶胶部分进行核磁成分分析。

2019.4-2019.5 论文中期检查 2019.5-2019.6 1、对丁基胶再硫化材料进行力学性能测试(包括拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、邵尔硬度)。

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