2022-03-30 20:44:52
摘 要
Effect of Temperatures on the Degenerative Transfer Polymerization
This paper begins with a summary and description of the decay chain transfer polymerization, ordinary chain transfer radical polymerization, activity decay chain transfer polymerization, and the development of decay chain transfer polymerization, and read the relevant papers and journals. Finally, the significance of the study on the decay chain transfer polymerization of methyl methacrylate was introduced.
Chain initiation rate of re growth lt; chain growth rate; chain termination rate lt; chain transfer rate; in line with the above for attenuation chain transfer. In the free radical polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate Initiated by azo two, the system is put into a certain alkyl iodide, which makes the system transform into a decay chain transfer polymerization system. Compared with the normal chain transfer polymerization system, the molecular weight and the theory calculated by GPC were compared. Found in the bulk polymerization of MMA polymerization early also appeared the activity decay chain transfer, but later due to an alkyl iodide entrapped, making at the end of polymerization only normal chain transfer polymerization.
The kinetics of free radical polymerization showed that the factors influencing the transfer of the chain transfer were initiator concentration, monomer concentration and temperature.
For normal free radical polymerization, the higher the temperature is, the faster the chain formation rate is, the smaller the degree of polymerization is. In order to explore the temperature to attenuate the effect of chain transfer, the experimental set to carry out polymerization under different temperature. Through determination of polymer molecular weight and the molecular weight distribution coefficient Mw / Mn to response to different temperature to attenuate the effects of chain transfer.
Keywords: Attenuation Of chain transfer; Free radical polymerization; Methyl methacrylate; Iodoform
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 衰减链转移聚合 1
1.1.1 碘元素参与的衰减链转移聚合 1
1.1.2 活性衰减链转移聚合 2
1.2 衰减链转移(DT)聚合发展 4
1.3甲基丙烯酸甲酯衰减链转移聚合的研究意义 4
第二章 实验与表征 6
2.1 实验原料 6
2.2 实验步骤 6
2.3 测试和表征 6
2.3.1 单体转化率 6
2.3.2 分子量及分子量分布测试 7
第三章 结果与讨论 8
3.1 聚合动力学 8
3.2聚合反应活化能 11
3.3 分子量及分子量分布 12
3.4 GPC分析 14
3.5 分子链数量 15
第四章 结论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
第一章 绪论
1.1 衰减链转移聚合
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