2022-01-12 22:11:27
摘 要
关键词:透明质酸 水凝胶 醛基 席夫碱反应
Preparation and properties of hyaluronic acid hydrogels modified with different aldehyde groups
Studies have shown that many hydrogels constructed by opening and epoxidating natural polysaccharides to form an aldehyde group often have low mechanical strength, poor stability and short degradation time due to the destruction of the body framework of natural polysaccharides. Therefore, this study proposes to construct in-situ cross-linked hydrogels by means of an external aldehyde group for natural polysaccharides, through which the aldehyde group reacts with a small molecule of cross-linking agent containing primary amino group in schiff base. The differences in the formation conditions, morphology, stability and degradation of the two hydrogels were also studied.
The main content of this experiment was to design and synthesize two kinds of uronylated natural polysaccharides as precursors, that is, natural polysaccharides with opened epoxidated polysaccharides or external uronylated polysaccharides with different degrees of uronylation modification, and characterize their structures by nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy. The two kinds of aldehyde natural polysaccharide precursors above were respectively gelatinized with different proportions of cross-linking agent small molecules (HA-ADH) to explore the methods and conditions of hydrogels based on schiff base reaction and optimize the conditions of gelatinization. To investigate and compare the above two kinds of hydrogels (A) Hydrogels constructed by epoxidation of natural polysaccharides to form an aldehyde group (B) Hydrogels derived from the external coupling of natural polysaccharides with aldehydes have different morphological structure, mechanical strength, stability and other properties.
Keywords: Hyaluronic acid; Hydrogel; Aldehyde; Schiff base
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 前言 5
1.1 水凝胶概述 5
1.1.1 水凝胶的定义 5
1.1.2 水凝胶的分类 5
1.2 透明质酸水凝胶的研究进展 5
1.2.1 透明质酸简介 5
1.2.2 透明质酸(HA)水凝胶的发展 6
1.2.3 基于共价交联方式构建的HA水凝胶 6
1.2.4 基于非共价等组装方式构建的HA水凝胶 7
1.2.5 通过复合水凝胶增强功能 7
1.2.6 HA水凝胶结构的定向组装 8
1.3 透明质酸水凝胶的应用 8
1.3.1 用于细胞治疗和研究的HA水凝胶 8
1.3.2 用于再生疗法的HA水凝胶 9
1.4 原位注射水凝胶的研究及应用价值 9
1.5 本研究课题的提出 10
第二章 实验部分 10
2.1 引言 10
2.2 实验准备 11
2.2.1 实验试剂 11
2.2.2 实验仪器 11
2.3 实验过程 11
2.3.1 醛基修饰的透明质酸的合成(开环氧化,HA-dCHO) 11
2.3.2 醛基修饰的透明质酸的合成(外接醛基,HA-mCHO) 12
2.3.3 己二酸二酰肼修饰的透明质酸(HA-ADH)的合成 13
2.3.4 水凝胶的制备 13
第三章 分析与结论 14
3.1 醛基修饰的透明质酸钠结果分析 14
3.2 不同配比的HA-dCHO的醛基的接枝率分析 15
3.3 不同配比的HA-mCHO的醛基的接枝率分析 17
3.4 HA-ADH的核磁氢谱分析 19
3.5 成胶前体对水凝胶形貌结构的影响 20
3.6 水凝胶成胶的膨胀率 21
3.7 水凝胶成胶图像 22
第四章 总结 25
4.1 结论 25
4.2 实验展望 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 29
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