Fe3O4 @大黄酸磁性纳米体系对于Pb2 和Mg2 的识别文献综述
2021-12-13 22:09:38
Fe3O4@大黄酸磁性纳米体系对于Pb2 和Mg2 的识别摘 要
Fe3O4@Rehin magnetic nanosystem for the identification of Pb2 and Mg2
Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, people#39;s quality of life is constantly improving. However, while the development of industrialization brings us benefits, it also brings us a series of problems, such as serious pollution problems, including the random discharge of waste gas and sewage. Heavy metal ion pollution has become one of the most intractable environmental problems. Therefore, solving the problem of metal ion pollution has become the primary goal. The untreated waste water and gas containing metal ions should be prohibited to be discharged at will. Meanwhile, we should seek rapid and accurate detection methods for such heavy metal ions to facilitate our better treatment of metal ion pollution. Magnetic sensors with good selectivity, high sensitivity, easy identification, simple operation, fast and low cost emerge at the right moment. Magnetic sensing technology has been applied in many fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, environment and life science.
Key words:Ferric oxide、 magnetic sensors、MNPs、 water pollution
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