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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-11-22 21:59:41  


摘 要


论文主要研究了基于非线性经验型本构方程模型拟合得到了CNTS/PMMA 微孔泡沫复合材料在静态压缩下的本构方程,并基于此获得该材料的吸能特性参数与密度的关系。

研究结果表明:CNTS/PMMA微孔泡沫复合材料的吸收能量、吸能效率与理想吸能效率均与密度相关。吸收能量的值在应变相同的情况下会随着材料密度的增加而增大。达到密实化应变时,密度为450kg/m3的情况下微孔泡沫复合材料的吸收能量值达到最大,为8170kJ/m3。通过对不同应力水平下吸能效率最大值对应的应力与复合材料密度关系进行拟合,可得到其函数关系为:。这一函数关系对CNTs/PMMA微孔泡沫复合材料的缓冲器等吸能器件的制造有指导作用。不同密度泡沫复合材料的吸能效率峰值和应力大小有关,微孔发泡复合材料吸能效率在材料密度为325 kg/m3,应力为16.94 MPa时达到极大值0.38。当材料密度为300 kg/m3且应变为0.35时,理想吸能效率达到极大值0.79,此时最接近理想吸能材料。




In this paper, carbon nanotubes (CNTs)/polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microcellular foamed composites with different densities were prepared by supercritical carbon dioxide foaming method. The constitutive equation and energy absorption properties of the composites were studied.

Based on the nonlinear empirical constitutive equation, the constitutive equation of CNTS/PMMA microcellular foam composite under static compression is studied. The relationship between the energy absorption characteristics and density of the material is obtained because that.

Results show that the energy absorption, energy absorption efficiency and ideal energy absorption efficiency of CNTs/PMMA microcellular foamed composites are related to the density. At the same strain, the absorbed energy increases with the increase of density. When the density is 450kg/m3, the energy absorption value of the microcellular foam composite material reaches the maximum value of 8170kJ/m3 before reaching densification strain. The relationship between the maximum value of energy absorption efficiency and the density of the composite is obtained by calculation, which is . This functional relationship can guide the manufacture of energy absorbing devices such as buffers for CNTs/PMMA microcellular foam composites. The maximum energy absorption efficiency is related to the density and stress. When the density is 325 kg/cm3 and the stress is 16.9 MPa, the energy absorption efficiency of the foam reaches 0.38. The analysis of the contour map of ideal energy absorption efficiency shows that when the density is 300 kg/m3 and the strain is 0.35, and the ideal energy absorption efficiency reaches the maximum value of 0.79, closest to the ideal energy absorption material.

The characteristic of this paper is to establish a variation of absorbing performance parameters of CNTs/PMMA microcellular foam composite by means of experiment and theoretical calculation. Based on the above analysis, the final result is obtained through MATLAB analysis, which not only saves the time needed for the experiment, but also saves the materials needed for repeated experiments, which is simple, quick and environment friendly.

Key Words:Microcellular Composite Foam; Constitutive Equation; Energy Absorption Properties; Ideal Energy-absorption Efficiency

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 聚合物基微孔泡沫材料原理与工艺 1

1.1.1 微孔泡沫材料的研究进展 1

1.1.2 聚合物基微孔泡沫材料的研究进展 2

1.2 CNTs/PMMA微孔泡沫复合材料吸能性能 3

1.2.1 碳纳米材料增强微孔泡沫材料力学性能 3

1.2.1 PMMA基微孔泡沫材料吸能性能的研究现状 4

1.3泡沫材料本构方程与吸能特性研究 5

1.3.1 泡沫材料本构方程的获得 5

1.3.2 泡沫材料吸能特性计算的研究现状 6

1.4 本工作研究内容及创新点 7

1.4.1 本工作研究内容 7

1.4.2 本工作创新点 8

第2章 CNTs/PMMA微孔泡沫复合材料的制备与本构方程模拟 9

2.1 CNTs/PMMA 微孔泡沫材料的制备 9

2.1.1 制备微孔泡沫实验原料 9

2.1.2 CNTs/PMMA 微孔泡沫材料工艺流程 9

2.2 CNTs/PMMA 梯度微孔泡沫材料的测试与表征 10

2.1.1 表观密度的测量 10

2.2.2 静态力学测试结果与分析 10

2.3 CNTs/PMMA微孔泡沫复合材料本构方程模拟 12

2.3.1 泡沫复合材料本构方程模型的选取 12

2.3.2 微孔泡沫复合材料本构方程的获得 13

第3章 CNTs/PMMA微孔泡沫复合材料的吸能特性 17

3.1 吸能特性的计算与研究方法 17

3.2.1 吸能特性参数与计算公式 17

3.2.2 吸能特性的计算方法与分析方法 17

3.2 吸能特性的计算结果与分析 18

3.2.1 吸收能量的计算结果与分析 18

3.2.2 吸能效率的计算结果与分析 19

3.2.3 理想吸能效率的计算结果与分析 20

第4章 结论 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论

1.1 聚合物基微孔泡沫材料原理与工艺

1.1.1 微孔泡沫材料的研究进展


泡沫材料具备的多种优点使其自问世以来便受到业内研究者的高度关注,迅速成为研究的热点,与此同时其制备技术也在不断革新。早期的传统泡沫材料主要是采用直接将气体与熔融聚合物基体混合的方法制备获得。这种方法制备的泡沫材料平均泡孔尺寸普遍大于100 μm,泡孔尺寸较大,且制备过程中多采用化学发泡剂如烷烃、氟氯烃类等。直到20世纪80年代,麻省理工学院的Nam Suh博士等提出了微孔泡沫材料,并采用CO2和N等物理气体发泡剂将其成功制备出来[3]

微孔泡沫材料是一种泡孔尺寸小(1-10 μm),密度高(108个/cm3以上)的聚合物泡沫[2]。微孔泡沫材料最先是由麻省理工学院的Nam Suh等人提出并研制成功,随后Martini、Suh和Waidema等系统地研究完善了制备微孔泡沫材料的工艺流程,并于1984年获得美国专利[3]。在该专利中首先定义了微孔泡沫材料的泡孔尺寸和密度的范围,即平均泡孔尺寸和泡孔密度分别在 0.1-10 μm和109-1015个/cm3[4]


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