2021-11-20 22:37:50
摘 要
Due to heavy load, overloading, high temperature in summer and the increase of service life, steel slag asphalt concrete pavement is prone to crack, damage, rutting, which affects the comfort and safety of driving; With the further development of rutting, it will also cause network cracks, potholes and other diseases, which will seriously reduce the structural performance and service performance of asphalt pavement. Therefore, the study of rutting on steel slag concrete pavement has a far-reaching impact. This paper studies the properties of steel slag and the permanent deformation characteristics of steel slag asphalt mixture under simulated service conditions.
Based on steel slag in Inner Mongolia, this paper studies the law of permanent deformation of steel slag asphalt concrete made of steel slag as coarse aggregate. Based on this, the properties of the Inner Mongolia steel slag, the preparation of the steel slag asphalt mixture and the permanent deformation characteristics of the steel slag asphalt mixture under the simulated service conditions were studied.Firstly, the chemical composition and microstructure of steel slag were studied. Secondly, the evaporation rate of steel slag and the han content of free calcium oxide were measured. The study shows that steel slag is composed of calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron oxide, is a porous material, its appearance, composition, structure, formation conditions are very different from the natural aggregate. The test showed that the f-cao content of the steel slag with a particle size of 5-10mm was higher than 2%, while the f-cao content of the other four steel slag with a particle size of 5-10mm was lower than 2%.
Second, the use of indoor rutting test instrument and UTM - 25 universal testing machine to permanent deformation test of steel slag asphalt mixture, temperature, load and water effect on the development of the steel slag asphalt mixture rut, analysis of the steel slag asphalt mixture characteristics of the three stages of permanent deformation, the results show that the steel slag asphalt concrete high surface AC - 16 and AC - 20 steel slag asphalt mixture performance, the same character in load under a certain condition, the higher the temperature, the greater the rut deformation degree; Under certain temperature conditions, the greater the load, the greater the rutting deformation. Under the same temperature and load conditions, the rutting deformation was smaller under dry conditions than under water conditions. At the same time, under the condition of 40℃ and under the load of 0.3-0.6mpa, the permanent deformation behavior of steel slag asphalt mixture goes through three stages as the number of cycles increases. Under the condition of 0.7mpa and temperature of 40-60℃, the permanent deformation behavior also enters the third stage as the number of cycles increases.
Keyword: Steel slag; Asphalt concrete; Rutting depth; Permanent deformation
中文摘要 I
目录 1
第一章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 钢渣及其沥青混凝土性能研究 2
1.2.2 沥青混凝土的永久变形性能研究 2
1.3 研究内容及技术路线 2
1.3.1主要研究内容 2
1.3.2技术路线 3
1.4 环境与安全 3
第二章 实验材料及方法 5
2.1原材料 5
2.1.1钢渣 5
2.1.2安山岩 5
2.1.3沥青 6
2.1.4石灰石矿粉 7
2.2钢渣沥青混合料配合比设计 8
2.2.1矿料级配组合设计 8
2.2.2最佳油石比的确定 9
2.3实验方法 13
2.3.1单轴重复永久变形试验 13
2.3.2室内车辙试验 13
2.4本章小结 13
第三章 钢渣性能研究 14
3. 1 化学组成 14
3. 2 微观形貌 14
3. 3压蒸粉化率 15
3. 4游离氧化钙(f-CaO)含量 16
3.5本章小结 17
第四章 钢渣沥青混凝土永久变形行为研究 18
4.1 不同外在因素对钢渣沥青混凝土单轴重复永久变形影响 18
4.1.1 不同应力下钢渣沥青混凝土单轴重复永久变形 18
4.1.2 不同温度下钢渣沥青混凝土单轴重复永久变形 19
4.2 不同外在因素对钢渣沥青混凝土车辙发展的影响 21
4.2.1 温度对钢渣沥青混凝土车辙发展的影响 21
4.2.2 荷载对钢渣沥青混凝土车辙发展的影响 22
4.4.3 水对钢渣沥青混凝土车辙发展的影响 23
4.5 本章小结 25
第五章 结论与展望 26
5.1结论 26
5.2展望 26
致谢 28
参考文献 29
附录一 31
附录二 32
1.1 研究背景及意义
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