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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-06-30 20:35:00  

摘 要



1.将合成的SalenCrCl、SalenCoCl(PPNCl为助催化剂,金属催化剂和PPNCl的比值为1:1)应用于催化了CO2、PO和LA的三元聚合,发现在相同条件下(60℃,4 MPa,催化剂:PPNCl:LA:PO=1:1:200:1000),SalenCrCl/PPNCl体系的催化活性较高(TOF=4.52×103 g/(mol h)),所得聚合物中PPC的摩尔百分比是21.8%。




With the large use of fossil fuels, the carbon dioxide (CO2) content in the atmosphere is increasing, and greenhouse effect is becoming more and more serious since the industrial revolution. Therefore, to relieve the environment stress, using CO2 effectively has become an urgent problem to solve the harmness of the greenhouse effect. Copolymerization of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide could provide biodegradable poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC), however, PPC thus formed exists the shortcomings of low glass temperature, poor heat resistance. Poly(lactic acid)(PLA) has good biodegradability, high glass transition temperature and thermal decomposition temperature. Therefore, poly (propylene carbonate-lactide)(PPCLA) by the terpolymerization of CO2 , PO and lactide (LA) is gaining people’s attention for its good thermos and mechanical properties.

In this paper, we had synthesized SalenCrCl ((salen is N,N’-bis(salicylaldimine)-1,2-cyclohexylenediamine) and SalenCoCl catalysts. These catalysts, combined with PPNCl, were used to catalyze the terpolymerization of carbon dioxide, propylene oxide(PO) and lactide(LA). The main research contents are as follows:

1, Under the same conditions, the synthesis of poly (propylene carbonate-lactide) (PPCLA) with LA, PO and CO2 under different catalytic systems was studied. The results showed that SalenCrCl/PPNCl displayed the highest efficiency (4.52×103 g/(mol h)), and the mole percentage of PPC in the polymer was 21.8% (polymerization conditions: reaction temperature was 60℃, the carbon dioxide pressure was 4 MPa, the reaction time was 18 h, molar ratio of the catalyst: PPNCl:LA:PO was 1:1:400:2000).

2, According to the terpolymeration results of CO2, PO and LA, copolymerization of PO and CO2, and homopolymerization of LA, we speculated that the polymerization was initiated by the ring opening of PO to form a short polyether segment, then LA or CO2 was inserted, eventually producing a random block copolymer, which contained PPO, PPC and PLA segments.

Key words: carbon dioxide; propylene oxide;lactide;Salen metal catalyst;terpolymerization.


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2二氧化碳的利用研究现状 2

1.3 二氧化碳、环氧丙烷和丙交酯的三元聚合 3

1.4 SalenMX金属催化剂 4

1.4.1 SalenCrX催化剂体系 4

1.4.2 SalenCoX催化剂体系 4

1.4.3 SalenAlX催化剂体系 5

1.5本课题的研究内容及意义 5

1.5.1研究意义 5

1.5.2研究内容 6

第二章 萨伦金属催化剂的制备 7

2.1引言 7

2.2 实验药品及仪器 7

2.2.1 实验药品 7

2.2.2 实验仪器 9

2.3实验试剂准备 9

2.4 实验部分 9

2.4.1 3,5-二叔丁基水杨醛的合成 9

2.4.2 N,N’-双(3,5-二叔丁基水杨酰亚胺)-1,2-环己二胺(Salen配体)的合成 10

2.4.3 SalenCoCl的合成 10

2.4.4 SalenCrCl的合成 11

2.5 结果与讨论 12

2.5.1 3,5-二叔丁基水杨醛的表征 12

2.5.2 Salen配体的表征 12

2.5.3 SalenCoCl的表征 14

2.5.4 SalenCrCl的表征 15

2.6 小结 16

第三章 催化剂应用于二氧化碳的三元聚合 17

3.1 引言 17

3.2 实验药品及其测试设备 17

3.3 聚合反应釜 17

3.4 萨伦催化剂应用于二氧化碳的三元共聚合 18

3.4.1 实验具体操作步骤 18

3.4.2 不同催化体系二氧化碳聚合的结果比较 18

3.5 小结 24

第四章 总结 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28

第一章 绪论



CO2在常温常压下是无色无臭的气体,由于它在常温下加压即可液化或固化,安全无毒,使用方便,因此在20世纪30年代,国外就开始将CO2用于灭火,制冷,金属保护焊接等用途,但是这并不能从根本上解决CO2排放过多的问题。在化工合成方面,二氧化碳中碳以 4价的形式存在,是碳在化合物中最稳定的存在形式,反应所需活化能较高,反应不易[2-3]

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