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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-05-25 23:05:34  

摘 要





  1. 减二线油的加入会明显改善复合改性沥青的低温柔性,但会导致软化点明显下降;10#掺量的增加对复合改性沥青的软化点提升不太明显;重钙粉能略微改善复合改性沥青的高低温性能。
  2. SBS、胶粉复合改性南美重油沥青可以符合国家标准对Ⅰ型防水用弹性体改性沥青的性能要求。



With the development of construction industry, the demand of building waterproof materials improves day by day and polymer modified asphalt waterproofing membrane is recognized as the most important waterproofing material for its excellent properties. Facing the situation that SBS modified asphalt costs too much and crumb rubber modified asphalt doesn’t performance well, this paper we use SBS and crumb rubber to modify asphalt together to meet the modification effect and reduce the cost.

This paper uses melt blending polymerization to product SBS modified asphalt, crumb rubber modified asphalt and SBS/crumb rubber compound modified asphalt. While producting, we add 10 asphalt, reducing second-tier oil, talcum powder and other additives and fillers into the modified asphalt. At last, we find the effects of different polymer modifiers, additives and fillers on the high-and-low temperature performance of modified asphalt.

The results show that:

  1. The best preparation temperature is 180℃ and the best mixing time is 2 hours.
  2. 70 asphalt has better modification effect than 90 asphalt. The addition of crumb rubber could obviously improve the high-and-low temperature performance of SBS modified asphalt.
  3. The addition of reducing second-tier oil can significantly improve the low temperature flexibility of composite modified asphalt, but cause a decline in softening point. Increasing the content of 10 asphalt can not improve the softening point of composite modified asphalt obviously. Talcum powder can slightly improve the high-and-low temperature performance of composite modified asphalt.
  4. According to the method presented in this paper, we can prepare the product which can satisfy Ⅰ type asphalt waterproof coiled material standard.

Key Words:modified asphalt; SBS; crumb rubber; softening point; low temperature flexibility


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1沥青防水卷材 1

1.2聚合物改性沥青防水卷材 1

1.3 SBS改性沥青的研究现状 2

1.4胶粉改性沥青的研究现状 3

1.5 SBS/胶粉复合改性沥青的研究现状 3

1.6研究目的 4

1.7研究内容 4

第2章 实验部分 5

2.1实验原料 5

2.2实验仪器 5

2.3改性沥青制备 6

2.3.1 SBS改性南美重油沥青的制备 6

2.3.2胶粉改性南美重油沥青的制备 6

2.3.3 SBS/胶粉复合改性南美重油沥青的制备 6

2.3.4 10#沥青,减二线油与SBS/胶粉复合改性南美重油沥青的制备 6

2.3.5重钙粉加入复合改性沥青共混物的制备 6

2.4 性能测试 6

2.4.1 软化点 6

2.4.2 低温柔度 6

2.4.3 弹性恢复测试 6

2.4.4 耐热性 7

第3章 结果分析与讨论 8

3.1反应工艺对改性效果的影响 8

3.1.1反应温度对改性沥青性能的影响 8

3.1.2搅拌时间对改性沥青性能的影响 9

3.2 SBS的种类和掺量对改性沥青性能的影响 9

3.3胶粉掺量对改性沥青性能的影响 12

3.3.1胶粉掺量对90#沥青改性性能变化的影响 12

3.3.2胶粉掺量对70#沥青改性性能变化的影响 13

3.4减二线油的掺量对胶粉改性南美重油沥青的影响 14

3.5胶粉掺量对SBS改性南美重油沥青性能影响 16

3.5.1 高 SBS掺量条件下,胶粉的掺入对SBS改性沥青性能的影响 16

3.5.2 低SBS掺量条件下,胶粉的掺入对SBS改性沥青性能的影响 17

3.6减二线油的掺量对SBS/胶粉复合改性南美重油沥青的影响 19

3.7 10#沥青比例对复合改性南美重油沥青的影响 20

3.8重钙粉对复合改性南美重油沥青性能的影响 21

3.8.1重钙粉掺量对复合改性沥青高低温性能的影响 21

3.8.2重钙粉掺量对复合改性沥青防水卷材涂盖料性能的影响 22

3.9复合改性沥青防水卷材改性规律及涂盖料配方 23

3.9.1南美重油沥青复合改性规律 23

3.9.2南美重油沥青复合改性涂盖料配方 23

3.9.3南美重油沥青复合改性涂盖料配方的经济分析 23

第4章 结论 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 27

第1章 绪论






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