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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-11 23:20:58  

摘 要

传统水泥混凝土具有容易产生裂缝、力学强度低、耐久性不好等缺陷,已经不能满足当下工程建筑的要求,而加入功能型外加剂能够加快水泥基材料的自修复进程,从而提高其耐久性。本论文研究了功能络合剂与不同胶凝材料、矿物掺合料之间的协同作用(配伍性)对水泥基材料自修复效果的影响,通过平板实验、凝结时间测试、抗折抗压实验、吸水率测试、 SEM测试以及冻融实验探明了功能络合剂与不同胶凝材料、矿物掺合料的配伍性对混凝土自修复能力的影响规律,主要结论如下:








Traditional cement concrete is prone to defects such as cracks, low mechanical strength, durability is not good, which can't meet the requirements of the engineering construction, and adding the functional admixture can speed up the process of self-healing cement base material, so as to improve its durability. This paper studied the synergy of complexing agent and different cementing materials between the mineral admixtures (compatibility) of cement based materials, from the experiments of the repair flat test, setting time, flexural tests compressive experiment, water absorption test, SEM test and freeze-thaw experiment, The influence of functional compatibility agent and different cementitious materials and mineral admixtures on the self-repairing ability of concrete was proved,, the main conclusions are as follows:

  1. the complexing agent and blended with different mineral admixtures cement has a certain influence on concrete crack self-healing, from the effect of different cement healing: huaxin cement materia≈l conch cement gt; dongya cement;
  2. the mixed complexing agent and mineral admixtures can improve the self-healing performance of cement base material, from the repair effect ,we can see that fly ash is better than mineral powder;
  3. to a certain extent ,the mixed complexing agent and mineral admixtures can improve the mechanical properties of cement base material. Experimental results show that when the complexing agent content is 0.5%, the flexural compressive strength maximum increase, the mineral powder to improve the effect of the mechanical performance is better than that of fly ash;
  4. the mixed complexing agent and mineral admixture will delay the initial setting and final setting time of cement, and within a certain range of complexing agent dosage, the higher the proportion is, the more obvious the delay effect is ;Different types of mineral admixtures on cement retarding effect is different, the delay time of fly ash is greater than the mineral powder;
  5. adding complexing agent and mineral admixtures in cement base material can improve its freezing-thawing resisting ability. After freezing and thawing cycle, the mass loss of cement block, porosity change and mechanical damage compared to the blank sample are reduced.

Keywords: Concrete; Complexing agent. Mechanical properties; Selfrepairing; durability

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2混凝土裂缝的形成及危害 1

1.2.1混凝土裂缝的形成原因 1

1.2.2混凝土裂缝的危害 2

1.3混凝土自修复的研究现状 3

1.3.1混凝土自修复的分类及优缺点 3

1.3.2混凝土裂缝自修复的研究现状 4

1.3.3自修复混凝土耐久性的研究现状 4

1.4 本文研究目的与主要研究内容 5

第2章 实验部分 7

2.1 实验原料 7

2.2 实验仪器 7

2.3 实验方法 7

2.3.1 掺入络合剂的水泥砂浆和净浆的制备 7

2.3.2 平板试样的制备 8

2.3.3 抗冻融循环实验 9

2.4 性能测试 9

2.4.1凝结时间测试 9

2.4.2 力学强度测试 10

2.4.3 孔隙率测试 10

2.4.4 裂缝自修复测试 11

2.4.5 SEM表征 11

第3章 结果与讨论 12

3.1络合剂掺量和掺合料种类对水泥凝结时间的影响 12

3.2 络合剂和掺合料对水泥砂浆裂缝自愈合的影响 13

3.2.1 络合剂对不同水泥砂浆裂缝自愈合的影响 13

3.2.2 络合剂和不同掺合料对水泥砂浆裂缝自愈合的影响 14

3.3络合剂掺量和掺合料种类对水泥砂浆力学性能的影响 16

3.3.1抗折强度 16

3.3.2抗压强度 18

3.4.1 质量损失 20

3.4.2 力学损失 20

3.4.3 总孔隙率变化 21

3.5 络合型水泥砂浆微观结构分析 22

3.6 修复反应产物分析 24

第4章 结论 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 29

第1章 绪论




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