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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2020-07-07 22:08:50  

摘 要

本实验采用庚二酸(PA),氢氧化钙(Ca(OH)2)与黑云母在无水乙醇中湿法研磨改性,制备改性黑云母,与PP共混制得黑云母/PP复合材料。利用万能电子实验机、示差扫描量热器(DSC)、偏光显微镜、热变形-维卡软化温度测定仪等实验设备对复合材料进行分析表征。结果发现, PA处理黑云母/PP复合材料,PA/Ca(OH)2复合处理黑云母/PP复合材料两者的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、冲击强度均有所改善,并且加入PA/Ca(OH)2复合处理黑云母改性的复合材料,上述三种力学性能提高最大,但是,两种处理过黑云母/PP复合材料的弯曲模量却小于未处理黑云母/PP复合材料。PA处理的黑云母和PA/Ca( OH)2复合处理的黑云母能诱导PP生成β晶,提高结晶温度,并且添加PA/Ca(OH)2复合处理黑云母的复合材料的β晶含量高于加人PA处理黑云母的。相同云母添加量下,PA/Ca( OH)2复合处理黑云母/PP复合材料的耐热温度高于PA处理黑云母/PP复合材料,PA处理黑云母/PP复合材料的耐热温度高于未处理黑云母/PP复合材料。

关键词:黑云母 聚丙烯 庚二酸 增韧 β晶型

Study on Properties of Polypropylene/Biotite Composites


In this experiment, pimelic acid (PA), calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and biotite were ground by wet grinding in ethanol to prepare modified biotite. The composite materials were analyzed and characterized using universal electronic experiment equipment, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), polarized light microscope, thermal deformation-Vicat softening point temperature measuring instrument and other experimental equipment. Comparing the untreated biotite/PP composites, the tensile strength, elongation at break, and impact strength of both PA treated composites and PA/Ca(OH)2 composite treated biotite/PP composites The improvement was made, and Ca(OH)2 composite treatment of biotite-modified composites was added, and the above-mentioned three kinds of mechanical properties were most improved. The flexural modulus of the two treated biotite/PP composites was smaller than that of untreated biotite/PP composites. PA-treated biotite and PA/Ca(OH)2 treated biotite could induce PP to generate β-crystals and increase the crystallization temperature, and the addition of PA/Ca(OH)2 -treated biotite composites had higher β-crystal content than the addition. Human PA deals with biotite. The heat resistance temperature of PA/Ca(OH)2-treated biotite/PP composites is higher than that of PA-treated biotite/PP composites under the same amount of mica, and the heat resistance of PA-treated biotite/PP composites The temperature is higher than untreated biotite/PP composites.

Keywords: Biotite; Polypropylene; Pimelic acid; Toughness; β crystalline form

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1聚丙烯 1

1.2改性聚丙烯 1

1.3云母 2

1.4聚丙烯/云母复合材料 3

第二章 实验部分 5

2.1实验药品 5

2.2试验仪器 5

2.3试样制备 6

2.4性能测试与表征 6

第三章 结果与讨论 8

3.1力学性能分析 8

3.2 DSC分析 10

3.3热性能分析 13

3.4偏光显微镜观察与分析 14

第四章 实验结论 16

参考文献 17

致 谢 20

第一章 绪论







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