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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料物理 > 正文


 2021-11-18 22:19:33  


摘 要




1. 采用固相合成-烧结工艺制得微观结构均匀致密、物相为较纯钙钛矿相,且电学性能优良的PMnS-PZN-PZT烧结陶瓷。所得陶瓷致密度为98.3%,晶粒尺寸约为1 μm左右,晶体结构以四方钙钛矿相为主。在1 kHz下相对介电常数εr为1976,介电损耗因子tan δ为0.25%,压电常数d33为348 pC/N,机电耦合系数kp为0.605,机械品质因数Qm为776。结果表明,PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷具有高压电和低损耗特性,较适合大功率压电应用。

2. 电场幅值和频率对PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷的极化反转有显著的影响。电场幅值的增大能让PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷更多的电畴发生翻转,因而矫顽场Ec,可反转的极化强度Psw和回线面积lt;Agt;增大。电场频率也对PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷的极化反转也有一定的影响,并且在不同的电场幅值下,电滞回线参数对频率的依赖关系不同。回线面积lt;Agt;随电场和频率的变化,可以由矫顽场Ec和可反转的极化强度Psw的乘积近似估算。

3. 获得了PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷低电场下(≤ 1.25 kV/mm)可翻转极化Psw和电滞回线面积lt;Agt;关于电场幅值Emax和频率f之间的标度关系,分别为:和。对于较高电场情形,PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷不存在类似的标度关系。



PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics with high piezoelectric properties and low losses are promising for high-power piezoelectric applications. In these high-power applications, the piezoelectric ceramics may be involved with complex electric field conditions, and the change of external field conditions may lead to the change of the piezoelectric performance of the ceramics and even device failure. As a novel ceramic system, however, the comprehensive understanding of the polarization reversal properties of PMNS-PZN-PZT ceramics are still lacking, which hinders the further optimization and practical applications of the ceramics.

In this study, PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics were prepared based on the conventional solid-state method. The effects of amplitude and frequency of the driving electric field on the polarization reversal properties of PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics were investigated. The main results of this study are as follows:

1. PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics with excellent microstructure and electrical properties were successfully prepared by a process comprised by solid-phase synthesis and sintering. The as-prepared ceramics acquire a high relative density of 98.3%, a grain size of about 1 μm, and the ceramics are predominantly in perovskite phase with tetragonal symmetry. The relative dielectric constant εr is 1976, the dielectric loss factor tan δ is 0.25%, the piezoelectric constant d33 is 348 pC/N, the electromechanical coupling coefficient kp is 0.605, and the mechanical quality factor Qm is 776. The results show that the PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics with high piezoelectric properties and low losses are suitable for high-power piezoelectric applications.

2. The amplitude and frequency of the driving electric field have significant effects on the polarization reversal properties of PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics. With the increase of the electric field amplitude, the proportion of switchable domains in PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics increases, and thus the coercive field Ec, the reversible polarization Psw and the loop area lt;Agt; all increase. The electric field frequency also has an influence on the polarization reversal of PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics, and at different electric field amplitudes, the hysteresis loop parameters have different dependence on the frequency. Loop area lt;Agt; can be roughly estimated by the product of coerced field Ec and reversible polarization Psw.

3. The scaling relations at relative low electric fields (≤ 1.25 kV/mm) are obtained for the reversible polarization Psw and hysteresis loop area lt;Agt;, which are and , respectively. At higher electric field, no exponential scale relations can be identified for the PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics.

Key Words: PMnS-PZN-PZT ceramics; piezoelectric ceramics, ferroelectricity; polarization hysteresis loop; polarization reversal

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1. 压电陶瓷材料及其应用 1

1.1.1. 压电效应与压电材料 1

1.1.2. 压电陶瓷材料 1

1.1.3. 压电陶瓷主要的应用领域 2

1.2. 铁电材料与极化反转 3

1.2.1. 铁电性与压电性之间的关系 3

1.2.2. 铁电材料极化反转的一般过程 4

1.2.3. 铁电材料的回线动力学标度 5

1.3. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷的性能特点与应用潜力 6

1.4. 本论文课题的提出与研究内容 6

第2章 实验方法 7

2.1. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷的制备 7

2.1.1. 原料与设备 7

2.1.2. 材料制备工艺 7

2.2. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷结构与性能表征方法 9

2.2.1. 微观结构表征 9

2.2.2. 电学性能表征 9

2.3. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷极化反转特性实验研究方法 10

第3章 结果与讨论 12

3.1. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷结构与电学性能 12

3.1.1. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷微观结构 12

3.1.2. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷介电与压电性能 12

3.2. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷的电滞回线 14

3.3. 电场幅值和频率对PMnS-PZN-PZT极化反转的影响 15

3.3.1. 电场幅值的影响 15

3.3.2. 电场频率的影响 18

3.4. PMnS-PZN-PZT陶瓷回线动力学标度 21

第4章 结论 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论

1.1. 压电陶瓷材料及其应用

1.1.1. 压电效应与压电材料



1.1.2. 压电陶瓷材料



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