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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料物理 > 正文


 2021-04-08 22:28:40  

摘 要







Pipeline transportation is an important way to transport materials in mines. At present, it is mainly based on composite ceramic pipes. Ceramic tubes have the advantages of low transportation cost and less environmental pollution, and have broad development prospects. However, the current molding method of ceramic pipes is beating molding, the pipes are thick, the cost is high, and it is difficult to transport and install, which is difficult to apply to the transportation of mining materials. Therefore, the development of ceramic tube materials with thin walls, light weight, wear resistance and corrosion resistance may be a hot topic in future research.

In this paper, through the comparison experiment of ceramic slurry formulation design, and exploring the casting process and other parameters, two different sintering temperatures were designed and the ceramic structure, morphology and performance were tested and analyzed. The conclusions are as follows:

1. Through design comparison experiments, it is determined that the most suitable formula is silicon carbide (100 mesh) 80g, silicon carbide (150 mesh) 60g, kaolin 60g, distilled water 58g, polishing liquid suspension dispersant (QM-168A) 10g, water glass 10g, The comprehensive aluminum phosphate is 3.125g and the potato starch is 4g; the most suitable ball milling parameter is the speed of 250r/min and the ball milling time is 10min.

2. In the analysis of XRD, optical microscopy and porosity measurement, the sintering temperature is better at 1350 °C, and the porosity test results are better.

Keywords: Silicon carbide ceramic, slurry, casting, sintering, porosity.目录

中文摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 矿山陶瓷管道现状 1

1.2 陶瓷注浆成型技术 2

1.2.1 注浆成型种类 2

1.2.2凝胶浇注法背景及成型效果 3

1.2.3 陶瓷注浆成型应用 3

1.3 碳化硅陶瓷的应用 5

1.3.1 碳化硅陶瓷的早期应用 5

1.3.2 碳化硅陶瓷近期发展及未来应用趋势 6

1.4 本课题的立题意义和研究内容 7

第2章 实验原料、仪器及表征测试方法 8

2.1 实验原材料和仪器 8

2.1.1 实验所用原材料 8

2.1.2 实验所用仪器 8

2.2 薄壁硅酸盐陶瓷管材料的制备工艺 11

2.2.1 陶瓷浆料配制及灌浆 11

2.2.2 陶瓷坯体烧成 13

2.3 结构与形貌的表征 13

2.3.1 物相组成分析 13

2.3.2 显微结构分析 14

2.3.3 陶瓷的性能表征 14

第3章 薄壁硅酸盐陶瓷管材料的形成过程与形貌结构 16

3.1 陶瓷浆料的配方设计 16

3.1.1 水的用量确定 16

3.1.2 QM-168A抛光液悬浮分散剂的用量确定 16

3.1.3 水玻璃的用量确定 17

3.1.4 综合磷酸铝的用量确定 18

3.1.5 淀粉的用量确定 18

3.2 球磨工艺的探索 19

3.3 浇铸过程 20

3.3.1 管状模具的制作 20

3.3.2 浇铸工艺 21

3.4 烧成陶瓷管的结构与形貌 21

3.4.1 陶瓷烧结过程 21

3.4.2 陶瓷管结构分析 22

3.4.3 陶瓷管形貌分析 22

3.5 陶瓷管的性能分析 23

第4章 结论和展望 24

参考文献 25

第1章 绪 论

1.1 矿山陶瓷管道现状



目前复合塑料、金属及陶瓷管道是用于矿山浆料及尾矿料管道输送的主要材质,普通厚壁无缝钢管的使用寿命只有700h左右,90年代开始研发并使用的辉绿岩铸石内衬复合钢管因为其良好的耐磨损性能在矿山等部门得到广泛应用,但由于是钢管内嵌了铸石,导致界面结合不良,敲击、震动会导致复合钢管损坏,其寿命大打折扣。同时也需要加大外层钢管的尺寸来弥补铸石管壁较厚的缺陷,运输成本大大增加; 另外因为铸石管道比较沉导致现场安装困难,以上因素使其开发和应用受到阻碍。


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