2021-03-21 21:09:17
摘 要
本文主要阐述利用自组装单层膜技术在一定温度反应体系下使蒙脱石表面生长FeOOH薄膜,制备出纳米FeOOH/Mmt 复合材料。并进一步探究是否在水体中存在这种类芬顿反应达到污染物降解的目的。本实验是以单一目标有机物罗丹明B作为处理对象,通过测量经FeOOH/Mmt处理的不同时间段的吸光度来探究吸附-脱附平衡点以及达到平衡后的光降解现象。探究甲砜霉素溶液中发生的光降解与铁循环的关系。论文主要研究进展如下:
(3)将上述最佳实验条件下制备出的复合材料作TEM表征,证明该样品是 α-FeOOH/Mmt复合材料。
(4以水体中常见的有机物染料罗丹明B为单一目标物考察纳米FeOOH/Mmt的光催化活性。目标物浓度20mg/L , 催化剂1g/L,光源350W氙灯,α-FeOOH/Mmt对罗丹明B的去除率达90%,原土对罗丹明B的去除率达22%,改性蒙脱土对罗丹明B的去除率达71.5%
(5) 通过检测FeOOH/Mmt光催化甲砜霉素过程中Fe2 的动力学变化,进一步探究光降解过程中存在的铁循环。
关键词 纳米FeOOH/Mmt;光催化;罗丹明B;甲砜霉素
With the rapid development of the global economy and society, nature of water bodies, soil and other pollution is becoming more and more serious, people's appeal to environmental protection is also increasing, the degradation of organic pollutants harmful to organisms has become one of the hot spots in today's scientific research. The use of natural minerals in the natural self-purification function of heterogeneous catalytic high-level oxidation technology can not only effectively control the problem of water pollution, but also for the future direction of environmental protection.
In this paper, nano-FeOOH/Mmt composites were prepared by self-assembled monolayer film technology to grow FeOOH films on the surface of montmorillonite under certain temperature reaction system. Combinedwith the microbial iron cycle in the soil to further explore whether there is such a Fenton reaction in the water to achieve the purpose of pollutant degradation. In this experiment, the single target organic rhodamine B was used as the treatment object, and the adsorption-desorption equilibrium point and the photodegradation after equilibrium were investigated by measuring the absorbance at different time periods treated with FeOOH/Mmt.The relationship between photodegradation and iron cycling occurred in Thiamphenicol solution was investigated. The main research progresses are as follows:
(1) The modifiedmontmorillonite soil was modified to compare the adsorption properties of modified montmorillonite and native soil to rhodamine B.
(2) The optimum preparation conditions of nano-FeOOH/Mmt were determined by experiment: water bath temperature 70 ℃, water bath time 10h, ph control at 2.10.
(3) The composites prepared by the best experimental conditions were characterized by TEM. It was proved that the samples were α-FeOOH / Mmt composites
(4) The Photocatalytic activity of nano FeOOH/Mmt was investigated by using organic dyes Rhodamine B as a single target in water. The concentration of target is 20mg / L, the amount of catalyst is 1g / L, the light source 350w Xenon, α-FeOOH/Mmt on rhodamine B degradation rate of 90%,The degradation rate of rhodamine B was 22%, the degradation rate of modified montmorillonite to rhodamine B was 71.5%
(5) By detecting the kinetic changes of Fe2OH during the Photocatalytic degradation of thiamphenicol by FeOOH / Mmt, the iron cycle existed during the Photodegradation process.
Keywords: nano-FeOOH/Mmt ; Photocatalysis ; Rhodamine B ; Thiamphenicol
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1光催化氧化的机理 1
1.2铁氧化合物的概述 2
1.2.1铁(氢)氧化合物的结构类型. 2
1.3 蒙脱石概述 3
1.3.1蒙脱石的结构特点 3
1.3.2 蒙脱石改性处理 4
1.4自组装单层薄膜(SAM)制备概述 4
1.5课题的研究目的,意义和研究内容 5
1.5.1研究的目的与意义 5
1.5.2研究目标与内容 5
第2章纳米FeOOH/Mmt复合材料的制备与表征 7
2.1 实验仪器与试剂 7
2.1.1实验仪器 7
2.1.2实验试剂 7
2.2纳米α-FeOOH /Mmt复合材料的制备方法与条件的确定 8
2.2.1罗丹明B溶液的光谱扫描图 8
2.2.2液氮冷冻处理蒙脱石实验 9
2.2.3改性蒙脱石的预处理与表面改性 10
2.2.4FeOOH/Mmt薄膜的正交实验 10
2.2.5结果与讨论: 12
2.3 FeOOH/Mmt薄膜表征。 13
2.3.1FeOOH/Mmt TEM表征 13
2.3.2不同pH对FeOOH薄膜生成影响表征 14
第3章水溶液中单目标有机污染物罗丹明B的光催化氧化降解实验 17
3.1实验仪器与试剂 17
3.1.1实验所需仪器 17
3.1.2实验所需试剂 17
3.2改性蒙脱石基FeOOH纳米复合材料光催化降解罗丹明B实验 18
3.2.1罗丹明B溶液标准曲线的绘制 18
3.2.2避光条件下纳米Fe0OH/Mmt处理罗丹明B 19
3.2.3非均相可见光催化降解罗丹明B实验 20
3.3本章小结 20
第4章光催化过程中“铁循环”模式的探究实验 22
4.1实验仪器与试剂 22
4.1.1实验仪器 22
4.1-2实验试剂 23
4.2实验部分 23
4.2.2暗反应 24
4.2.3模仿自然光条件 26
4.3本章总结 28
第5章结论与展望 29
5.1结论 29
5.2实验不足与展望 30
5.2.1实验不足 30
5.2.2展望 30
致谢 31
(1)对于半导体而言,其光化学反应的主要机制是由于紫外光的激发,吸收的能量大于电子跃迁所需要的能量,导致在导带上的e-跃迁到与其对应的价带上,在导带上留下一个光生空穴,价带上由于得到电子形成光生电子,从而形成一对电子空穴对(e--h )[1]。电子与氧气分子反应生成过氧化物,空穴与氢氧根反应形成自由基,过氧化物与自由基都具有强氧化性,能将有机物氧化成CO2和H2O。从而达到光催化的目的。以FeOOH为例,与TiO2具有相似的结构。
FeOOH hv → e- h
e- O2 → O2-·
h OH- → ·OH
(2) 随着人们对矿物学的发展认识,发现铁氧化物的光化学反应可能不同于一般的半导体光催化。许多学者逐渐认为在铁氧化物光催化过程中兴许存在类Fenton光化学反应,F等认为Fe3 会与有机物络合成稳定的物质,当有机物被OH·和过氧化物氧化分解时,Fe3 会瞬间还原成Fe2 ,被还原的Fe2 在溶液中由于不稳定易失电子又会形成Fe3 ,如此循环下去直至有机物被分解完全[2]。还有学者认为在光激发导带上的电子跃迁到价带上去时,铁氧化物表面的Fe3 oxide结合被激发的电子形成易溶性Fe2 进入溶液中,被还原的Fe2 在溶液中由于不稳定易失电子又会形成Fe3 ,其中一部分可能又再次吸附和扩散到铁氧化物晶体表面,这种循环反应过程还会在水溶液中伴有类芬顿(Fenton-like)反应。还是以FeOOH为例进行说明:
[FeIII-O]OH e → [FeII-O] OH-
[FeII-O] → FeIIaq → FeIIIoxide
Fe2 aq H2O2→Fe3 OH- ·OH