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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料成型及控制工程 > 正文


 2021-08-19 22:26:47  

摘 要

等离子熔敷立体成型是采用逐层金属堆焊的方法制造零件的工艺, 具有高效率、高质量、低成本的特点。该技术广泛的应用于电力、煤炭、冶金、机械等诸多领域中,拥有广阔的应用前景,为国内外学者的广为研究。





Plasma deposition three-dimensional molding is the process which adopt the method of multilayer metal surfacing to produce parts.It has the characteristics of high efficiency, high quality, low cost.In many fields, such as electric power, coal, metallurgy, machinery, plasma deposition three-dimensional molding has a broad application prospect and has become a hot research topic at home and abroad.

This topic uses low carbon alloy as welding materials and use micro plasma welding technology to realize the solid metal forming.The research content is to study the influences of the welding process parameters on welding forming quality and the organization by using the low carbon alloy material and micro plasma welding technology and optimize welding process parameters.

The study found that,when the welding process parameters such as welding current, the distance between arc ion nozzle and plate,shielding gas flow velocity are constant, the smaller powder feeding speed, the larger the workbench moving speed and the larger gas flowing velocity can get good weld forming. Decreasing the feeding speed and workbench moving speed can increase the welding width.Increasing gas flowing velocity can increase penetration. From the weld fusion line to the weld surface,the weld crystal morphology are planar , cubic crystal and dendrites. The hardness near the fusion line is larger than the weld surface.Through the optimization of process parameters, using low carbon alloy plasma cladding three-dimensional molding, we can produce parts with moderate hardness and good formability to make a significant value in industrial application.

Key Words:micro plasma arc cladding;Fe25 powder;Organizational performance;

process parameters

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 微束等离子堆焊 1

1.2 快速成型 1

1.3本课题的研究内容及目的意义 2

第2章 实验材料及研究方法 3

2.1 实验材料 3

2.2 实验设备 3

2.2.1 等离子焊机 3

2.2.2 电子探针显微分析仪和能谱仪 4

2.3 实验方法 5

2.3.1 金相观察 5

2.3.2硬度测试 6

2.3.3电子探针分析 6

第3章 不同工艺参数下的焊缝成形 7

3.1焊缝外观形貌 7

3.2金相组织分析 9

3.3焊缝硬度分析 13

第4章 微束等离子多层焊焊缝成形 15

4.1焊缝外观形貌 15

4.2金相组织分析 16

4.3焊缝硬度分析 17

4.4电子探针分析 18

第5章 结论 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 微束等离子堆焊


20 世纪60 年代,等离子堆焊开始广为人知,并应用到工业上去。在堆焊过程中采用正接的方式,即钨极接电源负极,母材接电源正极。在钨极和母材之间产生等离子弧,而等离子弧热量较高,会产生大量的热,将添加的粉末熔化掉,熔化后的粉末冷却后会沉积在工件的表面,使工件表面得到强化。堆焊过程中,粉末的利用率高,在制造业中应用广泛。

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