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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料成型及控制工程 > 正文


 2021-06-30 20:55:31  

摘 要

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 2

1.2国内外发展现状 2

1.3 实现直线轨迹摆辗机设计基本内容 3

1.4 实现直线轨迹摆辗机设计的技术方案 3

1.5 小结...................................................................................................................................7

第2章 摆辗机主要零部件设计 8

2.1摆头尺寸设计 8

2.2螺母尺寸设计 11

2.2.1锁紧螺母设计 11

2.2.2 调节螺母设计 12

2.3压盖及面座尺寸设计 13

2.3.1压盖设计 14

2.3.2面座设计 14

2.4摆头座设计 15

2.5小结 16

第3章 摆辗机其他零部件设计及选用 17

3.1标准件的选用 17

3.2其余零部件的设计 19

3.2.1垫片 19

3.2.2涨圈 20

3.2.3摆头密封圈 21

3.2.4密封法兰 22

3.3 小结 22

第4章 三维造型及模拟装配 23

4.1 重要零部件的三维造型 23

4.1.1摆头三维造型 23

4.1.2锁紧螺母和调节螺母三维造型 23

4.1.3垫片三维造型 24

4.1.4压盖和圆柱面座三维造型 25

4.1.5摆头座三维造型 26

4.1.6机架造型 26

4.2装配模拟 29

4.3小结 30

第5章 结论与展望 31

5.1 结论 31

5.2 展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 33








Rotary forging technology is a new pressure processing technology in recent years. It has been tested and tried to enter the practical stage in the middle of twentieth Century. Rotary forging technology is continuous local forming, the pendulum head of the center line and pendulum rolling machine body vertical axis to form a tilt angle, so that the rocker and the metal blank between the rolling friction, and conventional forging technology for forming masterpiece, the tilt of the head of the blank forming pressure only in a small part of the surface of the workpiece. Rotary forging deformation force is relatively small, so it can replace nominal pressure is higher than 10 times of other common forging and pressing equipment.

Rotary forging forming a long parts (e.g. the rack) need rotary forging function to achieve linear trajectory, currently the most widely used from foreign imports of four track swing forging machine, which uses double eccentric sets, through a gearbox speed control to achieve a straight line trajectory, this four track rotary forging machine structure is complex, manufacture cost and the maintenance cost is higher and eccentric sleeve structure in the realization of the straight-line swing, due to the double eccentric sleeve movement in the process will produce centrifugal force with large oscillation, can make the body to produce intense vibration, is not conducive to enterprise on the part of the mass production.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a linear oscillating rotary machine, simple structure, simple manufacturing, low cost of equipment, but also to reduce the vibration of the fuselage. At the same time, this paper discloses a swinging ring rolling machine, which comprises a body, a swing head mechanism, a rotating mechanism and a sliding mechanism.

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