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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料成型及控制工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 22:42:51  

摘 要





Rill rolling is a continuous local plastic forming technology of ring shaped part, which is formed by mechanical parts manufacturing technology and rolling technology. It has many characteristics such as saving forming force and production cost, increasing utilization ratio of energy and material, rising productivity and widening processing range of ring products etc. It is widely employed in many industrial domains. Ring parts are commonly used in the basic parts. With the development of energy saving and environmental protection, more and more rings with specially-shaped cross section are produced by ring rolling. We need to carefully study the mechanical parameters of ring parts in different rolling process, master and apply the rolling deformation law of rings with specially-shaped cross section flexibly if we want to obtain the qualified rings with specially-shaped cross section by rolling.

Conical ring with inner steps is a typical ring with specially-shaped cross section. The research method of numerical simulation is taken to study the rolling technology of conical ring with inner steps. Firstly, the calculation model of rolling process of aluminum alloy conical ring with inner steps is establish and calculated by dynamic algorithm finite element program. Through simulation the mechanism of rolling deformation defects of aluminum alloy conical ring with inner steps is revealed and the flow of metal and the rolling energetic parameters are analyzed.

According to the rolling defects of aluminum alloy conical ring with inner steps, the ring blank dimension and rolling groove are optimized. The simulation results show that the flow of metal is improved obviously by using the optimized ring blank and groove.

Key Words: conical ring with inner steps, ring rolling, numerical simulation, defect

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2国内外环件轧制试验和理论研究现状 1

1.3课题的目的和意义 2

1.4主要研究内容 3

1.5本章小结 3

第2章 内台阶锥形环件热轧制过程的力学建模 4

2.1引言 4

2.2 环件咬入条件和锻透条件 4

2.3导向辊的运动方程 6

2.4内台阶锥形环件轧制芯辊的进给策略 7

2.5 本章小结 8

第3章 铝合金内台阶锥形环件轧制模拟 9

3.1ABAQUS软件简介 9

3.2 ABAQUS建模与模拟 10

3.2.1Part模块 10

3.2.2 Property模块 10

3.2.3装配、分析步、表面接触和加载 11

3.2.4 Mesh模块 12

3.3本章小结 12

第4章实验结果分析 13

4.1 带台阶的铝合金锥形环件缺陷形成形机制 13

4.2 带台阶的铝合金锥形环件轧制金属流动规律分析 15

4.3环件径向金属流动规律分析 15

4.4环件轧制过程中等效应变随时间的变化情况 18

4.5环件轧制过程中圆度的分析 20

4.6驱动辊轧制力的变化分析 20

4.7本章小结 21

第5章 结论与展望 22

5.1 结论 22

5.2 展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

第1章 绪论


近年来,随着航空航天、钢铁产业、船舶等行业的快速发展,工业使用的异形截面环件种类越来越多,对异形截面环件的需求与日俱增。由于铝合金材料的高强度和较轻的质量,这种材料被广泛运用于机械、航天航空等行业。铝合金材料的锻造温度范围比较窄,不同的铝合金材料力学性能差异大,这些性质使得铝合金锻造工艺难度较大。国内传统的生产铝合金环件一般使用自由锻造工艺,采用这种方法环件的成形精度低、效率低且材料利用率小。环件轧制是连续局部塑性加工成形工艺, 与整体模锻成形工艺相比, 具有设备吨位小、投资和振动冲击小、节能节材等优点, 是轴承环、齿轮环、法兰环、火车车轮及轮箍、燃气轮机环等各类无缝环件的先进制造技术, 在机械、汽车、火车、船舶、石油化工、航空航天、原子能等许多工业领域日益得到广泛的应用[1]


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