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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料成型及控制工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 21:42:05  

摘 要



关键字起重机主梁 焊接梁 计算机辅助设计 起重量 跨距


Crane in the production and life is very widely used, it as a material handling, equipment for large parts of the machinery installation, as it can reduce people's physical labor so that it can improve production efficiency and is widely used in various fields of economic production. Cranes play an important role in metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, electricity, coal, transportation, construction, building materials and other economic pillar industries. With the progress of the times, the manufacturing industry and the loading and unloading operations began to turn to the interior, so that the bridge crane began to dominate. Bridge crane is mainly used in large processing enterprises, such as metallurgy, steel, construction and other industries in the production process of lifting and loading and so on. The application in the workshop of bridge crane is an important type of crane, because of the operation of the crane at high altitude, the operating range can cover a large part of the plant, so that it can play an irreplaceable role. As it is deeply welcomed by customers, so it has been greatly developed.

And in the design of the welding beam of the crane, through the computer aided programming, it will greatly reduce the burden of manual design, Through a simple small program can avoid a large number of repeated calculations, while solving the design of a variety of different input data. We can also compare the optimal design scheme. Give full play to the advantages of computer aided design at the same time, to avoid errors, improve accuracy, these are the human can not be achieved. Therefore, the advantage of computer aided design will be more used in the design of the future.

Key Words:Crane girder Welded beam Computer aided design Raised weight span

目 录

第1章 绪论 7

1.1桥式起重机的主要组成部分 7

1.2梁式起重机 7

1.3国内外桥式起重机研究现状 8

1.3.1国内研究现状 8

1.3.2国外研究现状 9

1.4本章小结 9

第2章 桥式起重机的结构和尺寸 10

2.1 设计要求 10

2.2 主梁的几何尺寸 10

2.2.1梁的截面选择与验算 10

2.2.2起重机主梁截面的主要几何尺寸 11

2.3筋板的布置 12

2.4本章小结 12

第3章计算机辅助设计的优点及思路 13

3.1计算机辅助设计的优点 13

3.2计算机辅助设计的思路 13

3.3本章小结 15

第4章 主梁的受力分析 16

4.1主梁受到的载荷计算 16

4.2主梁的强度验算 17

4.3 主梁的刚度验算 18

4.4 本章小结 19

第5章 桥式起重机主梁的制造工艺设计 20

5.1备料 20

5.2下料 20

5.3焊接方法的选择 22

5.4 焊接 22

5.5主梁的装配与焊接 24

5.6焊接工艺 27

5.7 腹板矫平 27

5.8 本章小结 27

第6章 前景与展望 28

6.1前景 28

6.2展望 28

参考文献 30

致谢 31

第一章 绪论

桥式起重机是指用吊钩或抓斗吊取货物的一般用途的桥式起重机。而起重机钢结构是起重机的重要组成部分,约占起重机总量的40%~90%,制造成本占总成本的1/3以上。钢结构制造质量是评价起重机整体质量最重要的因素之一。 桥式起重机是应用最广泛的一种起重机,其结构在制造技术上很有典型性。桥式起重机钢结构可分为桥架、门架和小车架等。桥架又分为正轨箱型梁桥架、偏轨箱型梁桥架、偏轨空腹箱型梁桥架等;本书主要介绍了跨度L=2800cm,起重量Q=150KN的通用桥式起重机箱型梁的设计生产过程。



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