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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

意象图式的视角下解读爱伦坡诗歌中美丽女子死亡之主题 The Interpretation of the Theme of a Beautiful Woman’s Death from the Perspective of Image Schemata任务书

 2020-02-18 15:25:12  

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

This paper mainlyfocuses on the commondeath motif in more than ten poems of Edgar Allen Poe based on the perspectiveof Image Schemata to figure out his aesthetics of death and how the elevatingexcitement of soul can be created in this way. In his poems, the use ofgrotesque images and allusions and the description of characters andsurroundings have a peculiar schema. This kind of interpretation is conduciveto explore the unknown fields of his poetic theory.

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1. search various resources to identify the topicfor the paper.

2. collect data and materials for the paper andwrite the paper on schedule.

3. the paper should give an elaborate andexhaustive research on the given topic with independent work.


3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排

before 1st january : settlement of the title

before 1st march: submission of the outline

before 15th april : submission of the first draft


4. 主要参考文献

[1] thecambridgecompanion to edgar allan poe [m]kevin j. hayes编.上海:外语教育出版社, 2004.


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