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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

从《简•爱》到《达洛维夫人》 :19至20世纪英国女性主义的发展 From Jane Eyre to Mrs. Dalloway: The Development of British Feminism from 19th Century to 20th Century任务书

 2020-02-18 15:25:05  

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

This paper mainly focuses on the comparisonof feminism that Charlotte Bronte and Virginia Woolf expressed in their works: JaneEyre and Mrs. Dalloway, to come to an conclusion how feminism inBritain developed from 19th century to 20th century, thenfigure out why feminism in Britain achieved such development by analyzing the economicconditions and political environment for women at that time and the two authors’personal experiences to provide suggestion to achieve equality in gender today.

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1. search various resources to identify thetopic for the paper.

2. collect data and materials for the paperand write the paper on schedule.

3. the paper should give an elaborate andexhaustive research on the given topic with independent work.


3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排

before 1st january : settlement of thetitle

before 1st march: submission of the outline

before 15th april : submission of the firstdraft


4. 主要参考文献

[1] bront#235;, c. jane eyre[m]. new york and london: w.w.norton amp; company, c2001.

[2]woolf,v. mrs.dalloway[m] london, england: penguin classics, 2000

[3]姜麟. 叙事策略与女性意识的建构[d].东北师范大学,2017.

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