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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2020-05-19 21:25:02  

摘 要



关键词:废白土 热解处理 油气回收 换热面积

Study on Pyrolytic treatment of waste clay and the recovery of oil and gas


Since the waste clay mainly composed of clay, oil, resin and asphaltene and polycyclic aromatics,If handing it casually, Oil and large amounts of harmful substances contained will cause a great damage to our fragile ecological environment.Nowadays, the country handle the waste clay through landfill or incineration after landfill , Landfill covers not only very large, but also pollute underground water. Further, since the waste clay contains a certain amount of oil, When it contact with the air,not only easily leading to spontaneous combustion fire, but also will cause some waste of resources.

This thesis study the recovery of oil and gas through a two-stage process . In the first phase , we collect the oil by heating the waste clay oil. And using TG-DSC and TG-MS to analyze thermal decomposition condition in nitrogen or air atmosphere to determine best environment of heat distillate, calcination temperature and holding time. The second stage uses calcination, calcining in the air (or inert gas) to remove the high boiling impurities.Then investigateing samples of 400 ℃, 2h heating in air or nitrogen atmosphere to 700 ℃、800 ℃,2h. Ultimately concluded: The first stage firing process in an inert atmosphere or in a confined space, the calcination temperature is 400 ℃, holding time is 2h; The second stage firing process is in an air atmosphere, the calcination temperature is 800 ℃, holding time is 2h. Finally, calculate the coil heat exchanger area depending on the desired heat.

Keywords: Waste clay;Pyrolysis;Vapor Recovery;Heat transfer area

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract i

第一章绪论 3

1.1 白土 2

1.1.1白土的性质 2

1.1.2白土的应用 2

1.1.3白土对润滑油的精制 3

1.2废白土中油的回收再利用方法 3

1.2.1离心分离法 3

1.2.2溶剂抽提法 4

1.2.3碱洗法 4

1.2.4机械压榨法 4

1.2.5热解法 4

1.3 本课题的研究内容和意义 5

1.3.1 课题研究内容 5

1.3.2 课题研究意义 5

第二章 润滑油废白土的实验部分 5

2.1实验仪器设备 5

2.2实验原料 5

2.3实验目标 6

2.4实验方法与流程 6

2.5 分析测试方法 6

2.5.1热重分析 6

2.5.2 热质联用分析 7

2.5.3 X射线荧光光谱分析 7

2.5.4 元素分析 7

第三章实验结果与讨论 7

3.1 实验条件的初步探索 7

3.2第一阶段工艺条件优化 8

3.2.1一阶段焙烧温度初步确定 8

3. 2. 2一阶段焙烧温度及保温时间的确定 9

3. 2. 3 第一阶段实验结果分析 9

3.3第二阶段工艺条件优化 11

3.3.1在空气氛围中煅烧 12

3.3.2在密闭环境氮气氛围下煅烧 13

3.4 各阶段馏出物成分分析 14

3.4.1 一阶段馏出物成分分析 14

3.4.2 二阶段馏出物成分分析 15

3.5元素分析 17

3.6废白土油气回收所需换热器设计 18

3.6.1计算热负荷 18

3.6.2物性数据 18

3.6.3计算平均温度差 19

3.6.4计算K值 19

3.6.5计算蛇管换热器的换热面积 20

第四章结论与展望 21

4.1结论 21

4.2 展望 22

参考文献 22

致谢 2

第一章 绪 论




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