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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 理工学类 > 新能源科学与工程 > 正文


 2020-05-05 17:27:14  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1. 建立传统单立柱定日镜有限元模型,获取不同吹风角度、风速下的结构变形量;2. 针对太阳能定日镜结构设计要求,建立伞式定日镜有限元模型,从结构刚度、强度等方面与传统定日镜;3. 利用正交试验对伞式定日镜进行优化设计; 4. 对伞式定日镜进行固有频率分析。

2. 参考文献

1. Gregory J. Kolb, Scott A. Jones, Matthew W. Donnelly, et al. Heliostat Cost Reduction Study. Sandia Report, Sand2007-3293. 2007, Albaquerque, New Mexico, USA.
2. Zhiyong Wu, Bo Gong, Zhifeng Wang, et al. An experimental and numerical study of the gap effect on wind on heliostat. Rewable Energy. 2010,35(4): 797-806.
3. Andreas Pfahl, Autonomous light-weight heliostat with rim drives. Solar Energy, 2013, 92, 230#8211;240
4. Assessment of parabolic trough and power tower solar technology cost and performance forecast. NREL/SR-550-34440
5. Chenlin Fan,Qiang Chen, Yaomin Zhang, et al. Research on double pedestal helilostat. Solar Energy, 2007(12): 12-15.
6. A.M. Bonanos. Error analysis for concentrated solar collectors. Journal of Renewable Sustainable Energy, 2012,4(6): 063125-063125-11.
7. Zhengnong Li, Hanxiao Liang, Weixiang Wu, et al. Research on the optimization Design of heliostat structure based on Uniform Design and linear Regression. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2012,39(12): 1-6.
8. Bo Gong. Wind resistance performance analysis on Heliostat and Curtain. Changsha: Hunan University, 2012.
9. Bo Gong, Zhengnong Li, Zhifeng Wang, et al. Wind-induced dynamic response of Heliostat. Renewable Energy, 2012, Vol. 38(1): 206#8211;213
10. Chuncheng Zang, Zhifeng Wang, Wenfeng Liang, et al. Structural Design and Analysis of the Toroidal Heliostat. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2010, Vol. 132, 041007-1
11. Kok-Keong Chong. Optimization of nonimaging focusing heliostat in dynamic correction of astigmatism for a wide range of incident angles. Optics Letters. 2010, 35(10):1614-6
12. R. Buck, E. Teufel. Comparison and Optimization of Heliostat Canting Methods. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2009, 131(1): 011001
13. William Bender. Final Technical Progress Report: Development of Low-Cost Suspension Heliostat. NREL/SR-5200-57611
14. Andreas Pfahl. Survey of Heliostat Concepts for Cost Reduction. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2013, 136(1), 014501

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

1-3月,寒假、撰写开题报告; 3-4月,软件学习、开题报告完善; 4-5月,模型建立与分析; 5-6月,论文撰写; 6月初准备答辩;

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