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 2020-05-05 16:50:03  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

1. introduction 1.1 research background george orwell is a well-known british novelist and journalist in the 20th century. he is known to be a political writer too. in 1936, he participated in the government#8217;s antifascist war in the spanish civil war and was seriously wounded. after that, his thought began to shift to the right and to believe in social democracy. animal farm is one of his famous novels. his other famous works are the nineteen eighty-four, notes on nationalism, reflections on gandhi and so on. animal farm, written in 1945, is one of his famous novels and it is a satire of the russian revolution. animal farm is a story of many animals revolt against their human master, then they creates a utopian state. however, all of these things have many common points with the russian history. therefore , to some extent, it is an anti-soviet tale. at the end of 1936, he went to spain to defend the democracy represented by the republican government, but he only witnessed a life and death struggle within the left. in 1937, george orwell returned from the spanish civil war, giving him a new writing purpose. he was outraged that spanish republic was controlled by the soviet, which appeared to represent progress, democracy, then he wrote a number of articles to expose. after that, his thought began to shift to the right and believe social democracy. animal farm, written in the form of fairy tales, is the product of this thought. 1.2 literature review domestic research status animal farm has gained a lot of attention since its publication. many scholars confirm its contributing significance on the developing progress of literature. since animal farm has been discussed so many times, and the angles of discussion overlap a lot. most of them centered on the irony, totalitarianism, or symbolism in the novel. several critics pointed out that stalin, which was symbolized by the main character napoleon, was recognized as the most representative political centralized ruler. that is where the tragedy of the novel lies. zhao (2010) analyzed the animal farm from the skill of black humor, in which she claimed that orwell's political tendencies were most evident in animal farm, which marked the beginning of orwell's declaration of war against totalitarianism. orwell used the black humor of sarcasm, alluding to political figures and events with the characters in animal farm. according to chang (2009), symbolism was used in animal farm to criticize stalinism. although zhao (2010) and chang (2009) wrote the essay from different angle, one was from the art feature of black humor, another was from symbolism, they all exposed the nature of human beings and the totalitarian system controlled by stalin. they implied totalitarian with great vision and foresight and told us that totalitarian may cause enormous destruction. other aspects include the analysis of wang (2008) which analyzed the rhetorical methods used in the novel, such as irony, exaggeration, metaphor, and so on. she claimed that through the analysis and elaboration of satire, the animal farm reflected the ultimate destination of the innumerable uprisings in human history, criticized the selfishness, greed and corruption in human nature, and demonstrated orwell's pessimism: the weakness of human nature allows centralism and despotism to exist anywhere in the world. according to jiang (2011), animal farm, george orwell's masterpiece, is a political fable that combines political and artistic creation. the humorous writing style, the objective delineation of the virtual real scene in the novel, makes the satire of the novel more profound and is full of strong and obscure dystopia colors. wang (2008) and jiang (2011) wrote the essay from totally different point of views, one of them was from the aspect of rhetorical methods, another one was from the dystopia colors. however, both of them have revealed the strong political tendency of george orwell. yao (2005), tried to talk about george orwell#8217;s view on literature. in 1946, when animal farm was published and acclaimed, orwell was invited to write why i write. once again, he divided the motivation of writing into four types: pure egoism; aesthetic enthusiasm; historical impulse; and political purpose. orwell, undoubtedly, was a political writer. "looking back on my works, i have always found that those books that have no political purpose are the most lifeless books i have ever written, and they are always rich and untrue paragraphs, meaningless sentences, decorative and deceitful words”, said orwell. it was his experience and the unique era that shaped orwell#8217;s political view on literature. in addition to this, yao (2005) discussed a little about george orwell#8217;s language view as well, which made the essay different from other papers. ”there is no doubt that a writer's view of language is also an important part of this writer's literary view. what is written is considered in terms of content, and how it is written is explored in terms of form. the combination of content and form forms the characteristics of a writer.”(college english, 2005:282) ”the language of the book is simple and easy to understand, with few long and complex sentences. the language is fresh and simple, continuing swift's tradition of simplicity. no wonder many bookstores put the book in the children's reading board after it was published.”(college english, 2005:282) from where i stand, i think yao is different from other researchers who only care about the theme or the rhetorical methods that have been mentioned many times. he showed us orwell#8217;s view on language from a general perspective, but he didn#8217;t talk about it deeply or explore it in details. foreign research status[only one essay discussed ? in this part.][老师, 我又加了一个外文文献。

] since its publication, animal farm has aroused great response. it has been translated into a number of languages and has also been adapted to other forms of art around the world. animal farm was discussed heatedly by scholars overseas as well. erika (2008) discussed that the betrayal of the socialist utopia is a theme to animal farm. he analyzed that a masterpiece of satirical invention, here the political allegory worked as an extended metaphor, where the activities of animals on an england farm represent the activities of historical figures and classes in the russian revolution. as for this essay, erika studied the theme of animal farm as many other researchers did. however, dellasala (2017) expressed his unique insight about the language of george orwell. he said that orwell as one of the foremost critics knew how did the language be used and the power of language. indeed, in animal farm, the power of language is one of the special features. pigs, as the leaders of revolution, their words are indefensible, and others common animals must obey their command. even the words on the wall pained by the pigs, they are irresistible. dellasala (2017) argued that euphemism is a means to mask the indefensible. in animal farm, orwell uses his mild, indirect and vague term to describe the harsh, brutal and offensive revolution. from my perspective, dellasala (2017), compared with erika (2008), is more refreshing. dellasala had an insight for the language of orwell and euphemism used by other writers. but if he could take some examples that used the euphemism, the essay would be more perfect. conclusion by looking back on those previous essays, we can see that a number of researches have been made about animal farm, for instance, from the view of black humor, symbolism, dystopia colors, etc. although they have different angles, their final aims are the same, to a certain degree, to reveal the author#8217;s intention, in other words, to uncover the theme of this novel. with respect to the theme of animal farm, orwell tells people about it with a fable: if a post-revolutionary regime has no democratic supervision and no rule of law, it will be alienated and must go to his opposite side. revolutions always begin with anti-autocracy, as the old major put it when he enlightened the animals: "the root of all evil lies entirely in the authoritarian rule of mankind".[老师,这些加粗的部分有哪些问题啊?] but tyranny is not broken down by the revolution, even on the contrary, it tends to build stronger despotism. 1.3 need of the study the profound aspect of animal farm lies in that it reveals the tragedy of the animal farm revolution. the animals revolted after being oppressed, however, due to the lack of a deep understanding of democracy and the legal system, in the end, personal dictatorship came in, and life reverted to pre-revolutionary times or even worse. many essays which have been discussed in literature review have discussed this theme of animal farm. however, few of them tried to study the artistic techniques systematically and appreciate the language skills of george orwell, such as, the usage of sentence patterns, the language style, especially the language style of different animals, the part of the speech including verbs ,adverb or adjective, or the use of the amount of phrases, etc. therefore, this essay will be based on the artistic techniques to analyze this allegory, to further present orwell#8217;s implication and appreciate linguistic features of the novel, from which the insinuation, the grotesqueness technique, contrast and the language skills will be analyzed in details. the study can provide some enlightening thoughts on the art features of animal farm as well as enhance the readers#8217; reinterpretation of the novel. works cited orwell, g. (2009). animal farm. shanghai: shanghai san lian press. orr, j. (1989). tragic realism and modern society. edinburgh: the macmillan press. erika, g. (2008). a companion to the british and irish 1945-2000:george orwell#8217;s dystopias: animal farm and nineteen eighty-four. blackwell publishing ltd. dellasala, d. (2017). caring, killing, euphemism and george orwell: how language choice undercuts our mission. biological conservation, 174#8211;176. 吴景禄(2009), 《穿越时空的政治寓言》,吉林:吉林大学出版社。

王雪芹(2008), 浅析《动物庄园》中对人性讽刺的修辞手法, 《大学英语报》,5(2):43-49 乔治#183;奥威尔著;姜希颖译(2015),《动物庄园》,北京:北京理工大学出版社。


2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

Methods and Procedures of the Study Through reading the relevant literature and books, I get a sight of the related problems of Animal Farm and the latest research results about Animal Farm at home and abroad. By analyzing the data and materials in hand, I find the common they have and the differences among them. As I said before, most of them aimed to reveal the intention of the author, Orwell, but few of them focused on the artistic techniques of the novel or appreciated the language performance of the author. Therefore, this paper will discuss the art features in the story by adopting the classification and analysis methods. The study includes seven parts: the first part is the background information, the second part is literature review and the need of the study; The third to the sixth parts concentrate on the analyzing of Insinuation, Grotesqueness,contrast techniques and language features in the novel; The last part is the conclusion.

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