2020-02-18 10:44:48
摘 要
With the development of global industrialization, the number of cars has increased and the oil crisis has become more and more severe. As a clean, efficient, and abundant alternative energy source, natural gas has been widely studied by researchers. The use of natural gas rather than traditional oil as the energy source of cars is very popular. However, there are many differences between natural gas engines and traditional fuel engines. Further calibration studies are needed. Natural gas components and dilutions are also difficult to overcome in further application of CNG engine. Among these studies, the study of transient performance of natural gas engines is a major focus of CNG engine research.
Based on the research results of domestic and foreign scholars, GT-POWER software was selected for the simulation test of natural gas engine transient simulation. This paper uses GT-POWER to establish a CNG engine simulation model for transient operating conditions. The torque and power errors were 5% and 6% respectively, compared to the engine bench test, demonstrating that the model is reliable. Then, five sets of natural gas with CO2 composition from 0 to 16% and Gr and G25 from the Six National Standard fuels are used to simulate the acceleration and deceleration transient conditions of natural gas engine,to study the influence of changes in natural gas fuel composition and rapid acceleration and deceleration time on the economic characteristics and emissions of CNG engines.
The study found that changing the natural gas fuel composition will change the economic performance and emissions of natural gas engine, and different economic and emission indicators will have different trends. The increase of CO2 ratio in natural gas components will lead to a decrease in NOx emissions and CO emissions of natural gas engines during acceleration and deceleration transient conditions, but HC emissions will increase sharply, CO emissions increase, while fuel economy will increase and engine economy will deteriorate. In addition, adding N2 to the natural gas component will have a similar effect, but the amount of change is different. When in 92% CH4, 8% CO2 fuel composition, the CNG engine indicators are relatively the best, and the overall performance is better than other. It is considered that the natural gas component is the best at this time, and this natural gas component is selected for acceleration and deceleration transient simulation test.
As the engine accelerates and decelerates, engine economic and emission parameters change according to certain rules. At the beginning of the transient condition, the engine parameters are abruptly changed due to changes in operating conditions. After that, the engine economic and emission parameters returned to normal and changed according to certain trends, mainly due to changes in cylinder temperature.
Natural gas with 92% CH4 and 8% CO2 fuel components was selected to study the effects of engine acceleration and deceleration time on economy and emission characteristics. The study shows that the change of acceleration time has little effect on the economic and emission effects on the natural gas engine during the early stage of acceleration and deceleration, but will affect the economic and emission performance at the end of acceleration and deceleration. Accelerated acceleration and deceleration will deduce NOx emissions, but the remaining emission parameters will increase at the end of acceleration and deceleration, and the fuel consumption will increase. After the acceleration time exceeds 10.5s, the emission and economic indicators of CNG engines will decrease at the end of the acceleration phase; while the deceleration time increases, the economic and emission indicators of CNG engines will change at the end of the deceleration phase.
Keywords: CNG engine, fuel composition, GT-POWER, transient condition, simulation
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 CNG发动机的介绍和应用前景 1
1.2 关于CNG发动机瞬态分析的国内外研究总结 3
1.3 本文的主要研究方法 5
第2章 仿真模型和实验参数的确定 6
2.1 GT-POWER软件介绍 6
2.2 利用GT-POWER建立发动机仿真模型 6
2.3 仿真试验燃料选择 9
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 加速工况下CNG发动机瞬态性能分析 11
3.1燃料组分对发动机瞬态性能的影响 11
3.1.1 发动机排放性分析 12
3.1.2 发动机经济性分析 16
3.2 急加速时间对发动机瞬态性能的影响 17
3.2.1 发动机排放性分析 17
3.2.2 发动机经济性分析 19
3.3 本章小结 20
第4章 减速工况下CNG发动机瞬态性能分析 21
4.1 燃料组分对发动机瞬态性能的影响 21
4.1.1 发动机排放性分析 21
4.1.2 发动机经济性分析 24
4.2 急减速时间对发动机瞬态性能的影响 25
4.2.1 发动机排放性分析 25
4.2.2 发动机经济性分析 28
4.3 本章小结 28
第5章 结论和展望 30
5.1 结论 30
5.2 展望 30
致谢 34
参考文献 32
第1章 绪论
1.1 CNG发动机的介绍和应用前景
图1-1 2016年中国一次能源消费结构
在各种替代能源中,天然气(natural gas)具有清洁高效、储量丰富、比热较高、污染较少等优点,因此受到研究者的关注[3]。
图1-2 我国近几年的石油对外依存度及其预测[2]
组分 | 一般情况 | 最大值 | 最小值 |
甲烷 | 87.3% | 92.8% | 79.0% |
乙烷 | 7.1% | 10.3% | 3.8% |
丙烷 | 1.8% | 3.3% | 0.4% |
丁烷 | 0.7% | 1.2% | 0.1% |
氮气 | 2.2% | 8.7% | 0.5% |
二氧化碳 | 0.9% | 2.5% | 0.2% |
表1-1 天然气的组分[4]
另外,天然气还有较为清洁的优点。天然气的成分中87%为甲烷,因此其燃烧后的废气排放量相比于传统发动机将有很大降低。其中,SO2排放量相比于柴油机可降低90%,碳烟排放量可降低93%;相对于汽油机,在燃烧较好的情况下,CO排放量可降低97%,NOx排放量则可降低39% [6]。
不过,天然气的使用也存在一些待解决的问题。试验研究结果表明同排量的CNG发动机与柴油机相比,其动力性将会下降,因此如果不对CNG发动机进行标定调整,将会影响到发动机动力性能的发挥 [7]。
学术研究中一般将天然气分为压缩天然气(CNG)、液化天然气(LNG)、吸附天然气(ANG)和近临界流体(NCF)四大类[8]。天然气汽车也可以分为以上四种类型。其中,压缩天然气(compressed natural gas, 简称CNG)一般指将天然气压缩并并以气态存储,这种方式成本、效益均较为理想,同时绿色环保,是一种理想的发动机替代燃料。
1.2 关于CNG发动机瞬态分析的国内外研究总结