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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2020-04-26 12:56:07  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

毕业论文是对大学四年学习情况以及对所做的课题情况的反映,其内容应该包括: a) 查阅相关文献资料,提出实验计划,明确实验内容。

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2. 参考文献

1. 李伯耿, 余波 and 曹堃, 间规聚苯乙烯改性的研究进展. 化工进展, 2003(06): p. 559-563. 2. 王进 and 林尚安, 间规聚苯乙烯的化学改性. 高分子通报, 2002(04): p. 61-66. 3. 王新平, et al., 端羟基化聚苯乙烯的表面性质. 高等学校化学学报, 2005(09): p. 1752-1756. 4. Pastorino, R., et al., Synthesis of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Macromonomers End Capped with Bromine Atoms: a Tool for a New Investigation of Styrene Polymerization Mechanism Catalyzed by Monocyclopentadienyl Titanium Compounds#8224;. Macromolecules, 2009. 42(7): p. 2480-2487. 5. Senoo, K. and K. Endo, Synthesis and Characterization of Syndiotactic Polystyrene‐Polyisoprene‐Syndiotactic Polystyrene ABA Type Triblock Copolymer. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 2005. 42(4): p. 463-470. 6. Syndiospecific Living Polymerization of 4-Methylstyrene and Styrene with (Trimethyl)pentamethylcyclopentadienyl- titanium/Tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane/Trioctylaluminum Catalytic System.. 7. Syndiospecific copolymerization of styrene with styrene terminated isoprene macromonomer by CpTiCls- methylaluminoxane catalyst.. 8. Chen, X., et al., Ionic Liquids as Additives to Polystyrene-Block-Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Enabling Directed Self-Assembly of Patterns with Sub-10 nm Features. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2018. 10(19): p. 16747-16759. 9. Quirk, R.P. and G.M. Liz#225;rraga, Investigation of the Reaction of Poly(styryl)lithium with Propylene Oxide. Macromolecules, 1998. 31(11): p. 3424-3430. 10. Grignard Reagent-Catalyzed Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate.. 11. Electron-Deficient (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)titanium Trialkyls: Evidence of TieeeH-C and TieeeC-C Interactions. Crystal and Molecular Structure of M-[o-(CH2)2C6H4]l(r|5-C5Me5)Ti[o-(CH2)2CeH,]|2.. 12. Aoshima, H., K. Satoh and M. Kamigaito, Direct Mechanistic Transformations from Isotactic or Syndiotactic Living Anionic Polymerizations of Methyl Methacrylate into Metal-Catalyzed Living Radical Polymerizations. ACS Macro Letters, 2012. 2(1): p. 72-76. 13. Crystalline Acrylic Polymers. I. Stereospecific Anionic Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate.. 14. Leimenstoll, M.C. and H. Menzel, Behavior of ATRP-derived styrene and 4-vinylpyridine-based amphiphilic block copolymers in solution. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2018. 296(7): p. 1127-1135. 15. 杨宏军, et al., ATRP”一步法”合成支化聚苯乙烯支化发展过程. 高分子材料科学与工程, 2010. 26(11): p. 32-34 38. 16. Cernohous, J.J., C.W. Macosko and T.R. Hoye, Amine-Terminal Polystyrenes: A New Strategy for Synthesis and New Methods for Determination of Functionality. Macromolecules, 1998. 31(12): p. 3759-3763.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

18. 12.31-19.1.11 文献查阅,了解课题 19. 2.25-19.3.10 英文文献翻译以及完成开题报告 19.3.11-19.4.4 按照实验计划进行试验 19.4.5-19.4.7 清明节休假 19.4.8-19.4.28 按照实验计划进行试验 19.4.29-19.4.30 进行中期检查 19.5.1-19.5.3 劳动节休假 19.5.4-19.5.31 进行实验并整理数据 19.6.1-19.6.9 撰写完成毕业论文 19.6.10-19.6.16 毕业论文答辩

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