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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

基于语言处理论对中国大学英语专业学习者中介语发展阶段的实证研究 (An Empirical Study of Staged Development of L2 Acquisition on English-Major Students' Oral English Ability)开题报告

 2020-04-25 20:20:07  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)


with the expansion of economic globalization, the demand for language talents is increasing. since the beginning of the 21st century, china has achieved remarkable achievements on education, but meanwhile, the extension of education has accumulated a lot of problems. one of the notable problems is that there is a gap between the quality of talents and the demands of social development. in the context of the rapid expansion of higher education, foreign language majors in science and engineering colleges in recent years have also attained large-scale development, while due to the specific concept of talents’ cultivation has not been firmly established, unreasonable teaching methods, single training mode and so on, high-end english talents are scarce.

the higher education department of china's ministry of education "college english course teaching requirements" (2007) emphasized that “the teaching aim of college english is to cultivate students’ english integrated practical skills, especially speaking and listening abilities to enable them to communicate effectively with others in future work, study and social activity”. for english majors, two researchers put forward that the cultivation to those students should achieve sustainable development by facilitating aspects such as curriculum setting, teaching models, teaching evaluation, achievement tests and the quality of teachers (wang amp; dai, 2014). according to a research about chinese college students’ oral english level (liu, 2008), a few of the informants are weak in oral communication, which is manifested in the lack of voice and intonation of native speakers, lack of communication skills, and lack of verbal communication skills. based on chen’s (2013) standard of being a professional english major-(1) academic program focusing on language and literature studies; (2) use-inspired program focusing on english for professional communication studies; (3) advanced skill program focusing on interpreting and translation studies, though most of the english majors’ ability of expression is above the general level compared with other majors, they still cannot meet the requirements of being professionals. therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration innovative reform, quality of talents cultivation and discipline development for english majors.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

research design and methodology

1. theoretical framework

1.1 processability theory (pt)


3. 研究计划与安排


before 15th january: settlement of the title.

before 25th february: submission of the outline.


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)


[1] buyl, a. amp; housen, a. developmental stages in receptive grammar acquisition: a processability theory account [j]. second language research, 2015, 31(4): 523-550.

[2] charters, h., dao, l., amp; jansen, l. reassessing the applicability of processability theory: the case of nominal plural [j]. second language research, 2011, 27(4): 509-533.

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