2020-04-24 11:29:00
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
内容: 1. 查阅文献,拟定实验方案; 2. 采用不同种类的分散剂对石墨烯进行改性以使其稳定分散于光敏树脂中; 3. 使用合适的光引发剂进行光固化反应,制备光固化材料; 4. 评价不同配方制备的固化材料的力学性能、收缩率和凝胶率; 5. 找出最优配方,评价石墨烯作用于光固化材料的应用效果。
要求: 1. 查阅相关文献,写出开题报告,文献占有量不少于15篇。
2. 翻译一篇相关英文文献。
2. 参考文献
[1] 王蕾. 3D打印材料光敏树脂的改性研究[D]. 天津工业大学, 2015. [2] 翟媛萍. 光固化快速成型材料的研究与应用[D]. 南京理工大学, 2004. [3] 何珊. 石墨烯负载纳米粒子改性硅树脂热性能的研究[D]. 哈尔滨工业大学, 2015. [4] 姜丹丹. 光固化3DP材料的增韧改性及其收缩性能研究[D]. 南京航空航天大学, 2016. [5] 杨诗文. 有机长链离子修饰无机纳米粒子及填充复合材料的结构与性能研究[D]. 武汉纺织大学, 2017. [6] 韩艳阳. 无机#8212;有机纳米复合材料的制备及3D打印性能研究[D]. 山东大学, 2017. [7] 张思财. 功能化3D打印用光固化树脂的制备及其应用[D]. 辽宁大学, 2017. [8] 成绵江. 石墨烯改性水性丙烯酸树脂涂料的制备与性能[J]. 生物化工, 2018(3):54-58. [9] Yang L , Hu Y , Guo H , et al. Toughening and reinforcement of rigid PVC with silicone rubber/nano-CACO3 shell-core structured fillers[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 102(3):2560-2567. [10] Martin-Gallego M , Verdejo R , Lopez-Manchado M A , et al. Epoxy-Graphene UV-cured nanocomposites[J]. Polymer, 2011, 52(21):4664-4669. [11] Martin-Gallego M , Verdejo R , Lopez-Manchado M A , et al. Epoxy-Graphene UV-cured nanocomposites[J]. Polymer, 2011, 52(21):4664-4669. [12] Kim D , Jeon K , Lee Y , et al. Preparation and characterization of UV-cured polyurethane acrylate/ZnO nanocomposite films based on surface modified ZnO[J]. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2012, 74(3):435-442. [13] Sababi M , Pan J , Augustsson P E , et al. Influence of polyaniline and ceria nanoparticle additives on corrosion protection of a UV-cure coating on carbon steel[J]. Corrosion Science, 2014, 84:189-197. [14] Jeong Y G , An J E . UV-cured epoxy/graphene nanocomposite films: preparation, structure and electric heating performance[J]. Polymer International, 2014, 63(11):1895-1901. [15] Tumbleston J R, Shirvanyants D, Ermoshkin N, et al. Additive manufacturing. Continuous liquid interface production of 3D objects[J]. Science, 2015, 347(6228):1349-1352. [16] Yu R , Yang X , Zhang Y , et al. 3D Printing of Shape Memory Composites with Epoxy-Acrylate Hybrid Photopolymer[J]. Acs Applied Materials Interfaces, 2017, 9(2):1820. [17] Qin Z , Jung G S , Kang M J , et al. The mechanics and design of a lightweight three-dimensional graphene assembly[J]. Science Advances, 2017, 3(1):e1601536. [18] Jianhua Ma, Peng Wang, et al. Highly conductive, mechanically strong graphene monolith assembled by three-dimensional printing of large graphene oxide[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019,534:12-19
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
12.30-1.17 查阅文献,翻译英文文献,准备实验原料和仪器,写出开题报告 1.17-03.31 熟悉仪器基本操作, 考察不同引发剂对固化深度的影响 4.5清明放假 4.1-5.1 探索改性石墨烯的最佳工艺 5.1-5.15 评价石墨烯/光敏树脂的各项性能 5.16-5.30 实验工艺完善,数据补充 5.30-6.10 整理数据,撰写论文,准备答辩