2020-04-23 20:16:37
摘 要
首先通过水热法制备了均匀生长的纳米针状结构的钴酸铜,然后为了提升其OER性能,因为可以通过调整氧化镍的形貌来提升氧化镍的OER性能,所以通过电沉积法将氧化镍与钴酸铜复合形成了具有核壳结构的复合材料。在电流340μA,定容500μA h 的条件下,装配的锂空气电池成功的循环了180圈,当电池循环到40圈时过电位为1.69V,电池性能的大幅度的性能提升归功于氧化镍与钴酸铜的协同以及核壳结构所具有的更 大的比表面积。
关键词:锂空气电池 阴极催化剂 钴酸铜 氧化镍 核壳结构
Preparation of Copper Cobaltate@Metal Oxide Composite by Hydrothermal Method and Its Electrochemical Properties
With the progress of science and technology and the development of the society, the low energy density of lithium ion batteries gradually cannot meet the needs of the people's life and production, has a theory of high energy density lithium air batteries become a research hotspot, but lithium air batteries from the commercial application of still have a lot of difficulties, mainly because of its ORR (oxygen reduction reaction) and OER, oxygen evolution reaction kinetics process is slow and seriously limits the actually use.Cathode catalysts can not only effectively accelerate OER and ORR reactions, but also play a crucial role in reducing overpotential of lithium-air batteries and improving cycle stability.Copper cobalt oxide is a kind of spinel transition metal oxide, which is a kind of bifunctional catalyst with good performance.Compared with other major catalysts such as precious metals and carbon materials, copper cobalt is cheap and less prone to adverse reactions.In this paper, the acicular structure of copper cobalt was prepared by hydrothermal method, and the core-shell structure was formed by electrodeposition of nickel oxide and copper cobalt.
First prepared by hydrothermal method on the growth of the uniform nano acicular structure of cobalt acid copper, the acicular structure has great specific surface area, and then in order to improve its OER performance, because you can adjust the morphology of nickel oxide to enhance OER performance of nickel oxide so by electrodeposition method to nickel and cobalt acid copper oxide compound formed with core-shell structure composite materials.Under the conditions of 340 A current and 500 A h constant volume, the assembled lithium-air battery successfully circulates 180 cycles. When the battery circulates to 40 cycles, the overpotential is 1.69v. The significant performance improvement of the battery is attributed to the synergistic effect of nickel oxide and copper cobalt and the larger specific surface area of the core and shell structure.
Keyword: Lithium Air battery;Cathode Catalyst;Copper Cobalt;Cxide Cickel Core-shell structure
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1锂空气电池概述 1
1..2锂空气电池原理 1
1.3阴极催化剂研究现状 2
1.3.1碳材料 3
1.3.2贵金属及其合金 4
1.3.3过渡金属氧化物 5
1.4 钴酸铜在锂氧电池中催化性能的研究进展 6
1.5氧化镍在锂氧电池中催化性能的研究进展 7
1.6钴酸铜的制备方法 7
1.7研究目的与研究内容 8
第二章 实验仪器与方法 9
2.1实验试剂 9
2.2材料表征 11
2.2.1 X射线衍射分析 11
2.2.2 扫描电镜分析(SEM) 11
2.3集流体的预先处理(碳布) 11
2.4纽扣式锂空气电池的组装与测试 12
第三章 可控合成氧化镍@钴酸铜核壳结构及其对锂空气电池的催化性能研究 13
3.1 引言 13
3.2 实验部分 13
3.2.1 制备有特殊形貌的钴酸铜与氧化镍复合形成核壳结构 13
3.2.2 制备NiO@ CuCo2O4工作电极 14
3.3 结果与分析 14
3.3.1 NiO@CuCo2O4的组成与形貌分析 14
3.3.2 电池性能分析 18
第四章 总结与展望 20
4.1 总结 20
4.2 展望 20
参考文献 22
第一章 绪论
锂空气电池主要结构为锂片(阳极)、电解液、含有催化剂的空气电极(阴极)。锂空气电池的工作原理如下(式1-1,1-2,1-3):放电时发生氧还原反应(ORR),锂离子以电解液为媒介到达空气电极并且和氧气发生反应生成过氧化锂,理想情况下开路电压为2.96v;充电的时候发生析氧反应(OER):通过外加电压使过氧化锂分解成为氧气和锂离子。因为锂空气电池的总反应是可以完全实现可逆循环,并且整个过程对自然环境友好,所以锂空气电池是一种绿色环保的储能技术。因为氧气可以从空气中获取,其质量也可以直接忽略,所以以阴极锂片计算电池比容量,可以达到3500Wh kg-1,甚至可以和高能汽油相当(13000 Wh kg-1)【2】,因此锂空气电池具有特别好的应用前景。
负极:2Li(s)↔ 2Li (l) 2e- (1-1)
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