2020-04-23 20:14:53
摘 要
- 白银、镍两类市场的当前发展状况
- 国内外学者们对期货市场价格发现功能的研究
- 本文的研究方法以及过程
- 分析,提出对策
Research on Price Discovery Function of China's Metal Futures Market
With the progress of mankind and the development of society, many items have been discovered and eliminated, and among them, metal plays a very important role. Silver, as a very common precious metal, also plays its special role. After thousands of years of change, silver has not only existed as a jewelry in our lives, but also an important part of the industrial and high-tech industries.
With the economic development and the birth of various financial derivatives, on May 10, 2012, Silver Futures was officially listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange, becoming the second precious metal futures product listed in China.
First of all, the meaning of hedging refers to the use of the futures market to reverse transactions, forming the opposite benefits in the spot market, and always reducing certain risks, so that their incomes are more stable. Its role is to obtain a market communication and supply relationship through relatively perfect market information and relatively reasonable trading system in the futures market. As the foundation of industry, the metal industry has a great impact on the development of China's economy.
This paper mainly looks for the development relationship between their respective futures prices and spot prices, to further analyze the relationship between their futures market and the spot market, and to understand the functions of different metal futures markets in China. Strong and weak, and found the reasons, make recommendations to improve China's metal futures market, and further promote the development of various metal industries in China.
The research on the futures market is mainly including the following parts:
1. The development status of silver and nickel spot and futures
2. Different researches in futures market in China and abroad
3. Research methods and processes
4. Analyze the results and propose countermeasures
Keywords: silver, nickel, futures market, price discovery, unit root test, Granger causality test
目 录
第一章 引言 2
1.1金属市场的发展 2
1.1.1白银 2
1.1.2镍 2
1.2研究意义 3
第二章 国内外研究成果 4
2.1国内研究成果 4
2.2国外研究成果 4
2.3小结 4
第三章 实证分析 5
3.1 研究方法 5
3.2 数据选择 6
3.3 研究过程 6
3.3.1 单位根检验 6
3.3.2 协整检验 8
3.3.3 Granger因果检验 9
第四章 结论 11
4.1实验结果 11
4.2 结果产生原因分析 11
4.3 政策建议 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
第一章 引言
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