2020-04-20 13:08:31
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
- sph流体运动模拟,计算单个粒子的受力情况,并支持不同的参数调节流体特性,以此完成对不同类体流体粒子的模拟
- 流体表面的渲染:通过对表面粒子网格化,生成渲染表面,再通过光线追踪对流体进行渲染.生成真实的流体动画效果
- 并行计算,通过使用gpu加速,提高渲染效率.
2. 参考文献
[1]. mark carlson, peter j. mucha, iii r. brooks van horn, and greg turk. melting and #64258;owing. in proceedings of the acm siggraph symposium on computer animation, pages 167#8211; 174. acm press, 2002.
[2]. m. desbrun and m. p. cani. smoothed particles: a new paradigm for animating highly deformable bodies. in computer animation and simulation #8217;96 (proceedings of eg workshop on animation and simulation), pages 61#8211;76. springer-verlag, aug 1996.
[3]. d. enright, s. marschner, and r. fedkiw. animation and rendering of complex water surfaces. in proceedings of the 29th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques, pages 736#8211;744. acm press, 2002.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2019.1.1~2019.3.2 |
查阅参考资料,分析题目要求, 完成开题报告 |
2019.3.3~2019.3.20 |
算法方案确定 |
2019. 3.21~2019.5.10 |
算法实现、优化 |
2019.5.11~2019.5.31 |
撰写、修改论文 |
2019.6.1~2019.6.10 |
准备答辩资料,答辩 |