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 2020-04-19 21:20:08  

摘 要


本系统以微信开发者工具和IDEA为开发平台,以JAVA为开发语言。后端项目开发采用Spring boot和mybatis框架实现,采用轻量级的MYSQL数据库。



关键词:扫码 推荐 支付 点餐

Design and Implementation of WeChat Scan Code Ordering Recommendation System


In recent years, the development of small programs has become more and more popular. The experience brought by small programs is getting better and better. Small programs are slowly entering the lives of more and more people. It realizes the dream that the application is within easy reach, and users can open the application after scanning or searching. WeChat scanning code ordering is also becoming more and more common, which can bring many conveniences, such as optimized management, quick ordering, convenient promotion and so on. This system (WeChat scanning code ordering recommendation system) is such a small program.

This system uses WeChat developer tool and IDEA as development platform and JAVA as development language. The development of back-end project is implemented by using Spring boot and mybatis framework and lightweight MYSQL database.

This small program is divided into four functional modules, namely, scanning, ordering, recommendation, payment four modules. The design of the system is based on four modules and constantly improved.

This paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the design and implementation of WeChat scanning code ordering recommendation system. Firstly, the background and significance of the system are analyzed, and then all phases of software development are included, including requirements analysis, system design, coding, system testing, and finally the summary and prospect are made through analysis.

Key Words: Scan code; recommends; pay; order


摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 引言 1

1.1 开发背景 1

1.2 国内外技术现状 1

1.3 开发技术 1

1.3.1 微信小程序 1

1.3.1 后端 1

第二章 系统分析 2

2.1 可行性分析 2

2.1.1 技术层面 2

2.1.2 经济层面 2

2.2 需求分析 2

2.2.1 用户模块 2

2.2.2 管理员模块 3

第三章 系统总体设计 4

3.1 总体功能 4

3.2 数据库设计 4

3.2.1 数据库E-R图 4

3.2.2 数据库表结构 5

第四章 系统详细设计 9

4.1 用户模块 9

4.1.1 微信授权登录 9

4.1.2 扫描桌号二维码 11

4.1.3 查看菜品 13

4.1.4 为用户推荐菜品 14

4.1.5 分类查看菜品 16

4.1.6 点餐 18

4.1.7 提交订单 19

4.1.8 支付订单 20

4.1.9 查看订单 23

4.1.10 评价 24

4.2 管理员模块 25

4.2.1 查看今日汇总 25

4.2.2 菜品管理 26

4.2.3 用户管理 29

4.2.4 订单管理 30

第五章 软件测试 32

5.1 小程序测试 32

5.1.1 测试微信授权登录 32

第六章 总结与展望 34

6.1 总结 34

6.2 展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 37

第一章 引言

1.1 开发背景


1.2 国内外技术现状

2017年Google为Chrome用户推送了增强型网页应用(Progressive Web App),可以将网站制作为轻应用,不仅可以离线使用,加载速度也较快。


1.3 开发技术

1.3.1 微信小程序


1.3.1 后端

后端使用Spring Boot和MyBatis搭建,其为Java Web最热门的首选开发框架,为微信小程序提供RESTful API,微信小程序通过wx.request()发送HTTP请求。



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