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中学生英语课堂焦虑调查An Investigation of Primary School Students’ English Classroom Anxiety文献综述

 2020-04-18 20:42:25  


Anxiety is an important emotional factor affecting language acquisition, and emotional factor is the most important factor causing individual differences in English learning.It is generally believed that anxiety has a negative impact on English learning, and the relationship between anxiety and English learning is negative. However, through repeated studies, people have a new understanding of anxiety in language learning: anxiety is not only negative to language learning, but also has a positive side. Horwitz and Cope (1986) compiled the scale called "English classroom anxiety scale (FLCAS)". The research on relationship between language learning and anxiety on gradually increase. Many scholars have viewed l high school students and college students as an object of study of the English classroom anxiety status, the research on the primary school English classroom anxiety is less. However, in contemporary society, schools and families pay more and more attention to primary students' English learning.The fierce competition make students have a certain degree of anxiety. As we all known, the classroom is one of the important places of learning English. Therefore, the paper regard primary students as the perspective, investigate the current situation of English learning anxiety. Then based on results, I analyze the factors of anxiety and put forward countermeasures that relieve the English anxiety of primary students.

This paper adopts the quantitative and qualitative research methods. The students of Xuyi Experimental Primary School were studied. A class was randomly selected from the third grade to the sixth grade, with a total of 180 students. The data was collected through the foreign language classroom anxiety scale and interviews, then SPSS was used to analyze the data.

The study made a survey on the English classroom anxiety of primary school students in the hope of contributing to the theory and practice of English teaching in primary schools. The ultimate purpose of this paper is to reduce the English classroom anxiety of primary school students, explore and innovate the research field of teaching theory, further enhance the teaching quality, provide practical guidance for primary school English teachers, and provide theoretical basis for scholars to study the English classroom anxiety of primary students.

Literature review

Definition of anxiety was various. The representative definition in China was put forward by wang yinquan and wan yushu. they think that anxiety is one of the abnormal emotion, It is generally believed that anxiety refers to the emotional state of nervousness and fear caused by the frustration of the individual's self-esteem and self-confidence. According to the definition given by Spielberger(1983), anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state or situation caused by the autonomic nervous system, with subjective feelings of anxiety and nervousness.

Foreign studies on learning anxiety mainly focus on test anxiety and have achieved remarkable results. Horwitzh and Cope(1986) defined foreign language learning anxiety as learners produce an obvious complex of self-perception, belief, emotion and behavior related to classroom language learning due to the uniqueness of language learning process. Domestic scholars also discussed the learning anxiety. Liao minxian (1994) believes that learning anxiety is a psychological reaction of students to worry about the learning situation that threatens their self-esteem, no matter whether the threat is real or expected. Learning anxiety not only includes students' realistic competitive pressure and fear of failure and frustration , but also includes learners' emotional expectation of specific learning results.

Horwitz(1986) holds that language Anxiety in foreign language learners is mainly embodied in Communication Apprehension, Fear of Negative Evaluation and Test Anxiety. Communication Apprehension refers to the anxiety caused by fear of communicating with the real or expected of others. Foss(1988) found that communicative fear in English class has become the main obstacle for learners to master English. Yang jingyi (2009) found that students had high anxiety about speaking in English class by conducting an empirical study on 170 freshmen who were not English majors. Li yanfang, wang ying, zheng yuping and dong qi (2010) studied on English classroom learning anxiety of 399 primary school and found that Communication Apprehension and Test Anxiety were the main types of anxiety of primary school children. Wastonamp;Friend(1986) defined negative evaluation fear as individual's fear of being judged by others. Kitano(1985) has concluded that in foreign language learning, negative evaluation fear and anxiety are significantly correlated, and high learning anxiety is accompanied by high negative evaluation fear. Gregersonamp;Horwitz(1986) found that people with language learning anxiety admitted that when they started to speak English, they would feel nervous if they were aware of the surrounding comments. Price(1991) found that students were afraid of mispronouncing and making mistakes in front of teachers and peers in English class. Yang jingyi (2009) found that students have great fear of negative evaluation. In class, students worry they are behind others,they pronounce incorrectly and they are laughed at due to improper answers. Test anxiety refers that students worry they won't do well in a test. Aida(1994) believes that test anxiety is caused by students' past failures, which leads students to producing negative or irrelevant thoughts on the test and increased anxiety.

Although foreign language learning anxiety has brought many negative effects on language learning, it can be overcome. Researchers who can intervene have proposed many methods to reduce and overcome anxiety by analyzing relevant factors causing anxiety. Although foreign language learning anxiety has brought many negative effects on language learning, it can be overcome. Researchers have proposed many methods to reduce and overcome anxiety by analyzing relevant factors causing anxiety. Horwitz (1986) argue that educators can guide students to find out the source of the anxiety and reducing the pressure of learning environment help students to alleviate foreign language learning anxiety. Young (1991) suggested that teachers need to re-examine their language teaching, including the teachers' role positioning, teaching strategy, the selection and use of classroom questioning and the attitude to students' errors. Gregersenamp;Horwitz (2002) considered that anxiety might be related to learners' personality. The study found that language learners with anxiety and perfectionist have the same behavioral performance. They proposed that teachers should help students to overcome the perfectionist tendency and make students understand that it is normal to make mistakes in language learning. Compared with foreign studies, researchers put forward the methods to reduce language learners' anxiety through empirical research in a few domestic studies.Wu yuhong and gu weixing (2011) used the second language writing anxiety scale to measure the writing anxiety of 454 non-english major college students, and found that the writing anxiety of most students was at a high level. Meanwhile, the experimental method showed that cooperative learning could effectively reduce the overall anxiety and physical anxiety. Wu rangke and zhao Chen (2013) selected 35 freshmen majoring in English to carry out the experiment on the effect of phonetic imitation training on alleviating oral anxiety. According to the research, phonetic imitation training can improve scholars' understanding of phonetics and enhance their self-confidence and sense of self-efficacy. Xu jinfen and kou jinnan (2015) studied the current situation of English learning anxiety and self-regulation of non-english major college students in China. They proposed that teachers could not only alleviate students' anxiety through classroom teaching, but also guide students to learn to use positive adjustment strategies to alleviate anxiety.

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