中学生英语写作错误实证研究 An Empirical Study of Errors in Middle School Students’ English Writing开题报告
2020-04-18 20:05:22
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
Literature review For a long time, linguistics have not reached a unified standard for the definition of error. Coder (1967) says that language learners make errors because they lack of language of rules and it finally leads to the imperfection of writing. Rechard (1971) believes that the language use habit of native speakers determines whether their second language knowledge and speech act are correct or not. Therefore, the errors in English writing have much to do with the learners#8217; learning habits. The English expression of Chinese thinking are both the interference of mother tongue and the result of students#8217; bad language habits. In other word, errors are those in which the second language learner contradicts the correct form of the target language speaker in terms of language expression.(Friedenberg, 1991; Wu Xian, 2016). Elley (2010) believes that limited language proficiency is the cause of making errors. Many scholars at home and abroad have made researches on the form deviation of language use. Dulay (1982) defines error as the deviation of a language leaner makes from the formal standard of the target language, either orally or in writing. Ellis (1994) believes that the deviation from the target language error is not only in the form, but also in the language applicableness. Chinese scholars Dai Weidong and Shu Dingfang (1994) propose that errors are the defectiveness of language learners in speaking and writing on the basis of foreign scholars#8217; definition of error. Many scholars have different views on the classification of errors. Corder (1967) divides errors into explicit errors and implicit errors. Explicit errors refer to linguistic phenomena that do not conform to the grammatical rules of the target language. Implicit error refers to linguistic phenomenon which conform to the grammatical of the target language but does not conform to the specific context. Corder (1971) classifies errors as errors of language ability and errors of language usage according to the causes of making language errors. Language ability errors are further divided into interlingual errors and intralingual errors. Selinker (1972) divides errors into five categories. There are language transfer error, overgeneralizaiton of second language rules errors, transfer of training errors, strategies of second language learning errors and communication strategies errors. Modern linguistics generally believe that interlanguage is an important theoretical basis for error analysis in foreign language teaching. Selinker (1972) proposes that interlanguage is a language system that dissociates between the mother language and the target language. Odlin (2001) studies the interlanguage of English learners who speak different native languages. He emphasize that language transfer can be view as a cross-linguistic influence and it comes from the difference between the native language and the target language. Transfer exists in all kinds of learning including language learning. If the transfer comes from the native language, it is mother tongue transfer. This book is the most incisive and comprehensive summary of the research before 1990s on language transfer. Domestic scholars have done a lot of empirical research on students#8217; writing errors and many remarkable results have been achieved. The main research objects are junior high school students, senior high school students and college school students. Liu Xianghong (2008) studies non-English majors and analyzes all the errors in their English writing. She classified these errors into two categories: intralingual errors and interlingual errors. Wu Xuejing (2017) have studied the notion and development of interlanguage. Form his empirical study on first-year college students, he proposes that language learners are in a spiral process when they accommodate new hypothesis about the second language system. From the point of view of research methods, most scholars study English writing errors on the basis of corpus. Zhang Wentao (2003) analyzes a collection of thirty essays and finds that verb errors are the most frequent which accounting for twenty two percent. From the perspective of research, Chinese scholars usually study English writing errors form the perspectives of vocabulary, grammar, the meanings of words and discourse. Dong Junhong (1999) studies and analyzes the common textual cohesion and coherence errors in college students#8217; English writing. He puts forward three ways to improve students#8217; English writing: strengthening the ability of logical connectives, Chinese-English translation and lexical use. In recent years, some scholars have made error analysis at a more microscopic level, such as articles, prepositions and conjunctions. After studying collocation errors in English writing, Chen Wanxia (2002) comes to the conclusion that native language transfer and synonym abuse are the main causes of collocation errors. Du Jinbang (2001) puts forward four teaching principles and five teaching methods based on the study of common English writing errors. He Anping (2001) uses corpus to analyze the English writing errors of Guangdong students in their college entrance examination. He stresses that teachers should not ignore spelling mistakes in students#8217; English writing. Sun Xiaojing (2002) points out the important role that the way of native language thinking should play in second language teaching from the perspective of psycholinguistics analysis, language commonness and the relationship between language and the way of thinking. Wingfield (1975) offers five suggestions to deal with writing errors and they have very important reference value for this research.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
Methodology Making experiment: to find out the writing errors in middle school students#8217; English writing and put forward the corresponding teaching advice. Research object: 80 students in Grade eight in Hangzhou Xixi Middle School. First, select two classes (805806) with same English teacher teaching. The second is to maintain the basic balance of the ratio of male to female in the class, so as to improve the credibility and effectiveness of the research. Research procedures: 1.Students of two classes are asked to do a language proficiency test. According to the test results, students are divided into different English proficiency groups. 2.All the students are asked to finish a 100-word propositional composition in 30 minutes. In order to ensure the scientific and reliability of the experiment, students need to complete the composition independently and they are not allowed to use auxiliary tools during the writing process. 3.Classify students#8217; writing errors according to their compositions. Compare the differences between high and low level students in various types of errors. These error types can be analyzed from the perspective of morphology, vocabulary, syntax, text, etc. The statistical method is independent ample test. Statistical software is SPSS. 4.Conduct questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers to find out the causes of English writing errors . 5.According to the result of the investigation put forward some practical strategies for English teaching and learning. Research questions: 1. What are the types of errors that junior high school students make in English writing? 2. How do low proficiency learners compare with high proficiency learners in each type of error?
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