中学生英语课堂焦虑调查An Investigation of Primary School Students’ English Classroom Anxiety开题报告
2020-04-18 20:05:21
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
anxiety is an important emotional factor affecting language acquisition, and emotional factor is the most important factor causing individual differences in english learning.it is generally believed that anxiety has a negative impact on english learning, and the relationship between anxiety and english learning is negative. however, through repeated studies, people have a new understanding of anxiety in language learning: anxiety is not only negative to language learning, but also has a positive side. horwitz and cope (1986) compiled the scale called "english classroom anxiety scale (flcas)". the research on relationship between language learning and anxiety on gradually increase. many scholars have viewed l high school students and college students as an object of study of the english classroom anxiety status, the research on the primary school english classroom anxiety is less. however, in contemporary society, schools and families pay more and more attention to primary students' english learning.the fierce competition make students have a certain degree of anxiety. as we all known, the classroom is one of the important places of learning english. therefore, the paper regard primary students as the perspective, investigate the current situation of english learning anxiety. then based on results, i analyze the factors of anxiety and put forward countermeasures that relieve the english anxiety of primary students.
this paper adopts the quantitative and qualitative research methods. the students of xuyi experimental primary school were studied. a class was randomly selected from the third grade to the sixth grade, with a total of 180 students. the data was collected through the foreign language classroom anxiety scale and interviews, then spss was used to analyze the data.
the study made a survey on the english classroom anxiety of primary school students in the hope of contributing to the theory and practice of english teaching in primary schools. the ultimate purpose of this paper is to reduce the english classroom anxiety of primary school students, explore and innovate the research field of teaching theory, further enhance the teaching quality, provide practical guidance for primary school english teachers, and provide theoretical basis for scholars to study the english classroom anxiety of primary students.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
the ultimate purpose of the paper is analyzing factors of anxiety and countermeasures are put forward to relieve the english anxiety of primary students. by studying this, the research is aimed to solve the following questions:
1.whether primary school students have anxiety in english class.
2.whether there are differences between different genders.
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